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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Would it have anything to do with police officers having training and tools that are specifically used to avoid injury and death?

    It would be like saying swimming in a kiddie pool is more dangerous than scuba diving, because every year 400 kids drown in their backyard and only 80 scuba divers die per year.

    Obviously scuba diving is more dangerous on paper, but those who partake in that activity have equipment and training specifically to not die.

  • Average police officer salary in the US is 60k.

    Do you know the average salary in the US? Also 60k.

    Wouldn’t you rather have an average job instead of an “I could be killed today” job? We all would.

    And so the only people that actually want to take average salary at the risk of death are people that are power-hungry and murder-hungry.

    You aren’t gonna get better training at this salary level. You aren’t going to get a system that pays Walmart Manager salary that also has some rigorous hiring and training process that teaches you how to make split second life or death decisions.

    This isn’t the secret service. It’s Walmart Managers with guns.

  • Ok going through this now.

    I never thought it’d be like this though. I thought that video game would literally stop being fun. Like I’d grow out of them or something and not find them enjoyable anymore.

    But that’s not it. They are still fun and enjoyable. What I didn’t expect was that my mind would be so full of responsibilities that it would just be impossible to enjoy video games. As if there just isn’t enough room in my brain.

    I’m sitting there trying to play but I’m just thinking about all the things I need to do tomorrow. Or this week. Or this month.

    There is just too much to think about that I can no longer enjoy not thinking.