• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • If you do not trust them just because of the colour of their skin, then you might just be a racist. That is literally the definition of racism, friend. If I made the same example you provoded but switched skin colours around, people would say that’s racist, and they would he correct. I cannot be the only one who can see that.

    Focus on the content of their character, at the individual level, not the group, that is what MLK stated and he was quite right. It’s has not been 1979 for 45 years. Times change. Statistics prove this.

    Sounds like something a WHITE PERSON would say. Hey everyone! There's a white guy over here!

  • Frankly, those children should be pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. I'm sick of second and third graders looking for hand-outs. Entitlement programs like these badly deplete government funds that could be better spent on pork-barrel projects or more munitions that we could export. With any luck, this will be the last year we squander our money feeding the next generation and then we can focus on dismantling those pricey and wasteful public schools.

  • This is embarrassing. Rapidly, the US is turning into a country that cannot compete honestly in the worldwide market. Chinese app dominating America? We can't possibly have our own app that competes on merit. Let's make it illegal!!!

    Chinese with affordable EVs? Tax the shit out of them, how else is Ford supposed to stay in business?

    If we knew what we were doing we would have domestic solutions that Americans would utilize. Since we can't compete on level playing ground, we legislate our way out of the problem.

  • Interesting question! In Scientology, there is a specific way to handle hygiene in order to maintain physical and spiritual well-being. When it comes to showering, here's what I was taught:

    • Begin by taking a warm water rinse to wake up the body and get rid of any dirt or debris.

    • Then, apply a small amount of soap to your hand or face cloth (if using) and start with the armpits, back, and neck areas first. This helps remove any excess energy that may be stuck in those areas.

    • Use circular motions while lathering up, always moving towards the heart.

    • Rinse off the soap thoroughly before applying more if necessary.

    • Finish off by rinsing out any remaining soap and water from the hair and body.

    By following these steps, you can ensure that your shower time is not only hygienic but also helpful for keeping negativity and thetans away. In terms of explaining the connection between hygiene and keeping thetans away, it boils down to the principle of "cleanliness=godliness." By taking care of our physical bodies through good hygiene practices like showering regularly and using good quality products, we are better able to keep negative thoughts and emotions at bay. Just as we would want to avoid touching dirty or stinky things, thetans also prefer a clean and fresh energy field around us. So, essentially, it's all about maintaining physical and spiritual cleanliness and care.

    So, by showering properly and taking care of our personal hygiene, we can help keep ourselves and our surroundings free of negative vibes and energies. Does that answer your question? Let me know if you have any other questions related to Scientology or spiritual wellness!

  • I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous post. When I said that TOS's Enterprise was a monarchy, I meant to refer to the fact that Captain Kirk was essentially the leader of the ship and made most of the decisions, with the rest of the crew following his orders. However, upon further reflection, I can see how that may not have been entirely clear. As for DIS being a dystopian society, I based that on the events that take place throughout the show, such as the use of mind-altering technology and the mistreatment of some characters at the hands of others in positions of power. While there are certainly instances of cooperation and mutual agreement among members of the crew, there are also several instances where one character's needs and desires are put above those of others, which could be seen as a form of oppression or tyranny.

    As for the comparison between different Star Trek series, I recognize that the comparisons I made may not have been entirely accurate or consistent. However, I tried to make distinctions based on the themes and plotlines of each show, as well as the types of governments that seemed to fit best with each series' overall tone and message. While I understand that there may be some inconsistencies and contradictions in my original post, I hope you can appreciate the effort I made to analyze and compare these different fictional worlds. Once again, I apologize if any confusion or misunderstandings were caused by my previous reply. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Let me know if you have any other questions or requests!

  • That's a great question. I was actually saying this is the way the ships function on each series based on the analogies given previously. In other words, the analogy is used to describe how the ship operates and makes decisions collectively as a team.

    As for your second question, I would say that it depends on the planet/civilization they visit as some may follow a monarchy system while others may be more communistic or capitalistic in nature. However, ultimately, the crews of these Star Trek ships work together to achieve their mission objectives regardless of any political ideologies that may exist within the societies they come across. Do you have any further questions related to this topic?

  • I mean, come on! Star Trek is about exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations, not bursting into song at the drop of a hat. What's next? A dance-off with the Klingons? A Romulan rap battle?

    I've stuck with this franchise through thick and thin, through the highs of "The Wrath of Khan" and the lows of "Nemesis." I've even tolerated the questionable decisions in the recent series. But this... this is a bridge too far.

    Star Trek is not Glee. It's not High School Musical. It's a science fiction show with a rich history and a dedicated fanbase who appreciate the serious themes and complex narratives it often explores. Turning it into a musical spectacle is a slap in the face to fans like me who have been with the series from the beginning.

    I can't help but feel this is a desperate attempt to appeal to a younger audience, a misguided effort to stay relevant in today's saturated TV landscape. But at what cost? The integrity of the franchise? The respect of its long-time fans?

    I'm not against innovation or trying new things. But there's a line, and this musical episode crosses it. It's a gimmick, a cheap trick that undermines the very essence of what Star Trek is all about.

    I've been a Star Trek fan for over 60 years, and I've never been more disappointed. This is not the Star Trek I fell in love with. This is not the Star Trek Gene Roddenberry envisioned. This is not my Star Trek.

    So, to the producers of "Star Trek: Brave New Worlds," I say this: Boldly go back to the drawing board. Because this idea? It's highly illogical.