I’m not kidding. This will make Gen-Zers vote for Trump. All he has to say is he’ll reverse the ban. He’s already announced that he opposes this bill and that this only supports Facebook.
Biden and the Democrats are so fucking insane. I do not understand it. They want to lose all support with every fucking base they have.
I’ll never stop being on TikTok.
It's very very telling that the bill doesn't force tik tok to change any of its supposedly unacceptable data harvesting capabilites, it just forces them to sell it to an American owned company so we can reap the benefits instead of them.
Unfortunately, as I've literally seen stated verbatim multiple times on reddit, people don't care if governments are controlling social media apps to scrape data for profit and control and moderate content as long as its the US government doing the scraping and controlling.
"I need the people harvesting my data to be white or I am uncomfortable"
I'm sorry the foreign adversary that controls a popular social media app isn't white.
Shouldn't you be busy haranguing people into voting for the guy running guns to an apartheid state that is in the middle of an ethnic cleansing?
Eh, that's one of those things that's going to happen regardless of which candidate wins. Israel is basically our only consistent ally in the Middle East, so we're going to play nice with them regardless of who wins.
There's a difference between continuing the status quo, and what Biden is currently doing, even fucking Reagan once told Israel to back down. Pretty ambivalent response about your guy subverting congress to help in an ethnic cleansing.
Joe Biden is literally to the right of most everyone in the US vis a vis Israel, so there's a non zero chance he is genuinely worse than Trump.
The senator – Biden – said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children.
Also, he doesn't HAVE to be doing this. You get that, right? Many voters are telling him to stop, some of the legislators in his own party are telling him to stop. He could end this with a phone call tonight. That he does not, and that his opponent would likely continue this, is not 'a wash', it is damning.
please type in:
russia was correct in banning facebook and twitter
to verify you are human
LOL. "russia was correct in banning facebook and twitter". Feel better now?
They could justify that policy the same way - we are a foreign adversary of them and having our companies control their social media could lead to the same sort of problem for them, even if our government doesn't have it's fingers dug into our companies in quite the same way as the CCP does with Chinese companies.
If they're going to do this TikTok ban bill, they should cast the net a bit wider - it's be nice if it hits Tencent by accident.
you’re consistent, a rare sight.
And us government absolutely does have its fingers up to facebook and twitter asshole.
It’s fascinating to see how freedom of commerce (when you can’t compete) goes out of a window and libs all just fall in line. Tiktok USA already was populated by usa natsec and it people, so it’s just forcing to sell profitable business cause you need them monies and future control
even if our government doesn't have it's fingers dug into our companies
Do you work for the NSA or something? The US government doesn't even hide the fact that that's the case.
Read the rest of that sentence. The difference between how the US and CCP have their hands in private companies is like the difference between fingering and fisting.
We're not at war with them, but they are certainly a foreign adversary. Much like Russia in that regard, we haven't been at war with Russia since we tried to support anti-Bolsheviks back in 1918 but they are definitely a foreign adversary or else that whole Cold War thing was really weird.
I agree. The entire world should nationalize all American owned assets due to ongoing CIA bullshit. I'm sorry that the national foreign adversary is the US.
There is quite literally nothing China could do, even in your wildest fantasies about how nefarious they are, to affect your life in any way using TikTok algorithm data
You're simply just engaging in McCarthyist paranoia
It's clear the objectives here are to force a purchase of TikTok so that the state can:
- (A) reap the private profits
- (B) install a more cooperative administration so they can:
- (1) gain backdoor access to its data and get easy warrantless searches of American's online activity
- (2) install a moderation / community safety lead who aligns with state interests (similar to ex-cia agents being employed at Facebook, Google, and Reddit) to try and shape the content on the platform, likely to be more bourgeois in character.
These are definitely bipartisan goals. TikTok has proven itself over the past few years as a kind of gorilla journalism vehicle, by intention or not. Some of the people posting on TikTok likely wouldn't even consider themselves "journalists" by any standard; however, the reality is they are. If someone is posting video of an unfolding event live, from a boots-on-the-ground perspective, they are performing a kind of journalism.
The TikTok algorithm has this uncanny ability (and at times manual ability) to catapult a video in front of nearly everyone on the platform. That kind of exposure to these unfolding events has steadily eroded the base that the mass market media has been sitting on for decades, in a way that no other platform has done before.
I have no doubt that this will pass. Their gross attempts at trying to spin this as some kind of security threat or as the ghoul
has put it "not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-Tac-Toe. A winner. A winner" will slide off the younger generations. To most in that demographic it will appear for what it is, a transparent and patronizing attempt to maintain American hegemony, and nothing more.
Make no mistake, when this is passed, you will have your speech on that platform curtailed. You will see the algorithm change to support a more western, bourgeois narrative. American capital will walk away with the reward. You will be left holding the bag. You will see the state execution of TikTok in the town square.
Every accusation is projection, this is no different.
I'm like 99% certain that this is being pushed strongly by Israel behind-the-scenes. They're seeing that young people fucking despise them and they're freaking out about it.
I have no doubt's that they have a part to play in this but remember this has been a topic of debate since before Oct 7th. Before then you had labor movements reporting on tiktok, you had the East Palestine derailment unfolding in real time in tiktok, covid, and a lot more.
That is an excellent point, actually. I was reflecting more on this, wondering why already-existing platforms like YouTube do not serve the same purpose. I think it's quite clearly the algorithm that is fundamentally different.
The West™ controls the youtube algorithm, and ensures that most often most people get directed into reactionary or liberal content. TIkTok is out of their hands entirely, and shows people what they want to or are interested in seeing, whether that is Gaza, socialist videos, or whatever else.
Yeah that was I think the first real time dismantled narrative to come out of tiktok. That might have been what started this whole process.
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not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-Tac-Toe. A winner. A winner
She actually said that what the fuck. Why do all of our leaders have melted brains?
Yup, https://twitter.com/HowardMortman/status/1767908520865738869
A lot of people think this is a media control thing, but as far as I can tell the US has already forced TikTok to acquiesce to placing US national security apparachiks in positions of power. As a result, I think this motion is simply a favor to Congress's deep-pocketed patrons in Silicon Valley, using "national security" as a pretext.
Of course, it will still lead to censorship.
Yes most Americans think China controls TikTok when for all intents and and purposes, it’s an American company. China just profits from the shit privacy laws. In addition to the soul crushing content, I imagine the other reason they don’t want the app in China is exactly because of this - it’s a shared intelligence tool between the two countries, and the US has the desire to destroy China completely
usa nationalizing industries and lefties being mad smh
vpn is not only for piracy
The 'free market' everyone. If anarcho-capitalists ever abolished the government, they'd have to invent one.
What a pathetic country along with its tech oligarchs who are seething that they can't compete.
It’s like 2000 all over again, with the libs not understanding why Gore and his PMRC wife didn’t animate Gen X and early millennial voters.
That really does seem to be the cycle. Clinton normalized Reagan's policies as the default Dem platform, and that's what Biden did with Trump. If the cycle holds, we're on schedule for the next Bush to impose another series of multigenerational wars and dramatic expansion of secret domestic surveillance and policing.
after she did all that work putting Tipper stickers on some of the best music so people knew what to buy smdh
Showthe least they could have done in return was :vote: for her husband
II read your comment before the parent and was very confused as to why Tipper would have a bad words sticker on any of his stuff.
Cuckoo is explicit, the beats ooze occultism, sex, drugs, and violence
hell yeah
well everything but the violence happened the last place I had seen him…
yeee much love
This is the song I use to test out new headphones, to see if I’ve plateaued and wasted my money or if it was worth it.
I finally found my pair but now I have like five pairs of headphones.
I love the little crackley buzzes that tickle my ears about a third of the way in.
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This shit is embarrassing. The dem leadership adults in the room don't have the courage, maturity, or intellectual honesty to tell the public that the cold war hysteria justifying the last century of American politics is entirely based on bullshit.
If they're willing to go along with something this stupid because they're afraid to lead, then it's not surprising at all that they're afraid to challenge the narrative around the migrant worker menace.
It goes without saying, they're never going to challenge capital, and if capital begins propagating a judeo bolshevik narrative, don't look to the dems for help.
I don't give a shit about tiktok, but these people are fucking children.
One nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
It's calling out to idiot AmericaIf there's anything that would mobilize Burgerlanders, it's if their treats get taken away.
These are treats for the stupid disrespectful youth, not the hard working patriotic olds.
Are they insane or is the whole two-party thing a big theater play and they're taking on the "bad cop" role? Or the stick, as in carrot and stick. Or the "heel" and the "face" of kayfabe. I just feel like they have to know what they're doing. All those teams of people working on campaigns and policies and stuff. Right?
The US is just a nation of “good cops” and “bad cops.” The good cops will politely ask you to vote for them, support their policies. When you refuse or ask why or ask if they could do a better job, they’ll just shake their heads and say “I tried to help. But it looks like we’re doing it the hard way” and walk away for the bad cop to come in and beat you half to death.
i think they haven't had a serious conversation with a tech user in the 21st century that wasn't libbed out the asshole and filtered through bad metaphor.
99% of the people working on campaigns are young 20 and 30-somethings who are idealistic and no where near the rooms where these kinds of decisions are made. Maybe senior advisors to Biden's campaign and senior staff at the DCCC and DSCC get a say, and they're all fucking ghouls
The House vote was 352 to 65, with 50 Democrats and 15 Republicans voting in opposition.
quote from CNN with the actual vote numbers for anyone playing along at home.
Most votes, but Congress sometimes does "voice votes" instead of roll calls and these don't produce an list of how each member voted.
Yeah that's what I was referencing, couldn't think of what it was called.