They don't exactly seem to care about human suffering, so that's probably not an explanation. Just saw Biden announcing a gun control EO and it made me think about it. Why do liberals care about some chuds LARPing with AR-15s?
It's easier that solving the material conditions that underly the causes of violence. That's literally it. You don't see Switzerland or Czechia having mass shootings every other day, and yet there's a reason for that; they have functional health services and minimal safety nets despite both being neoliberal hellholes.
Some are genuinely terrified of mass shootings, for others it’s a culture war thing where they see physical force as a dumb/low class/rednecky way of solving problems.
The chuds are literally right about this. Liberals want to eliminate any possibility of their institutions being overthrown. Going beyond chud stupidity, the liberals want to eliminate anything that can influence politics aside from the market.
There are a lot of people who would also like to see gun violence go away, but it is that alignment with the goals of capital which causes the money to pour in and makes them influential.
And it isn't like further right-wing politicians don't want gun control, they're just playing the good-cop/bad-cop roles. Right-wingers will accept gun control easily as soon as non-right-wingers have 'too many' guns. The whole thing is a charade.
Dunno, it's all lip service anyway, there's more guns than people in this country and chuds will never vote away their firearms.
Because they are obsessed with rules for rules sake, and most of the positive uses for guns break the rules.
you can't "personal responsibility" your way out of possibly getting killed by some rando with a gun