I use a menu of a restaurant like a poster. I haven't ordered from them. It's a simple large burger menu.

  • LadyLikesSpiders@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I'm not really answering the spirit of the question, but have y'all ever thought about how weird taxidermy is?

    "Dang, this space in my house needs some decoration. Missing something. I think I'll put a posed carcass there"

    • MDKAOD@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      My wife has begged me for years to allow her to buy a taxidermy mouse posed as a stripper on a pole. I don't get it.


      • LadyLikesSpiders@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        lmao I mean it is kinda silly, but not what I would get. Furthest I'd go into taxidermy is having skeletons. Maybe a skeletal mouse on a stripper pole

  • pixelscript@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    My office at work has a number of mildly curious things decorating it. Nothing alarmingly strange, but silly all the same.

    Our office is one of the few separated rooms in our building (most of it is a large open room), and it has a typical false ceiling covered in square foam tiles. Evidently, the previous tenant cut holes into several of these tiles to serve as drop points for cables that they had run through the ceiling. Prior to us moving in, they must've taken out all such equipment and, to restore the look of the main space, swapped out all damaged tiles with pristine ones from the ceiling in what would become our office. That means we have all of the ones full of holes. We also happen to be immediately below where the aircon is blown into the building (in short, the duct abruptly ends and vents directly into the cavity above the false ceiling, and no, I do not know why they did this), making our room exceptionally cold, to the point where we sometimes run space heaters in the summer. At one point, we jokingly hypothesized that the cold air was leaking through those holes in the ceiling tiles and making our room too cold, so as a joke solution, we crudely plugged the holes by stuffing them with random trash we happened to have lying around. That being, loose plastic bags from the gas station and grocery store, and some bulk toilet paper packaging wrap. Due to some of the bags being a burnt orange color, we came to refer to these eyesores as our "Halloween decorations". For over a year, we had several people enter the office, ask about the bags in the ceiling, and become bewildered at our assertion that they were Halloween decorations, particularly because it was June.

    Our office has a tall, narrow window looking out into the main room next to the doorway. We usually have this decorated with those cheap gel letters designed to stick to windows and spell out generic phrases that you can pick up at dollar stores. We amuse ourselves trying to come up with clever anagrams with the available letters. Currently, we have a set that is intended to spell out, "hello spring", but is arranged to read, "no girls -- help".

    On the wall in a cheap picture frame from Walmart is a printout of some of the dumbest code we've found in our repository (we're software developers), to forever enshrine it in infamy. Sometimes when deep in thought about a complex problem, we ritualistically gaze upon it in hopes of receiving a blessing of inspiration.

    My coworker, with whom I share my office, has a very small mirror frame photograph standing on his desk, perhaps about 8cm tall by 5 cm wide. It portrays an image of Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung (this one, specifically). He refuses to elaborate why. Hiding behind the tiny print is another nearly identical tiny print of the same image, except he has photoshopped it to give both of them fatter bellies and put a large, cartoonish dent in each of their heads. At random intervals, he swaps the two prints when no one is watching to gaslight people who visit his desk.

  • Treczoks@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    A life-sized cardboard skeleton. I bought it as a kind of "paper model kit" with a lot of little plastic and metal clips included, and it used some clever tricks to get all those bones into their proper shape. Intended as a training / learning aid for medical students, it was labeled with all the latin names of everything.

    It experienced several outings and trips in it's "lifetime", always riding shotgun and waving to the people I overtook. It attended a math and a computer sciene lecture in university (I doubt it understood a single thing from it), enjoyed a day at the "beach" (properly attired with a speedo), and a number of Halloween acts.

    It lived in my room for a good decade, moved into the study in my house later, but started falling apart and requiring repairs so it was retired to the paper recycling bin one day.

    • 𝕃𝕒𝕞𝕓@lemmy.zip
      11 months ago

      I hope you put it into recycling without dismantling it to give the heroes working in the recycling center a good chuckle. ^ ^

      • Treczoks@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Indeed I did. Not completly, as it started to dismantle itself (one leg was broken at the hips, and the arms were not much better), but of course I placed it into the recycling bin last, just before the pickup.

  • Teal@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    My brother bought me a big black cock bottle opener home from his honeymoon. It now sits proudly on my microwave