• pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    So let me explain this one more time(I'm really not trying to create conflict here, I just wanna make sure you understand what I mean.) If we can pass m4a or the pro act, it would be good. I do care about that. What I don't care about is how we do it. So I did not at the time care about the ftv debate. But what I did care for was the fact we were so willing to tear each other apart.

    And I damn well know what happened at the time. My contempt for the controversy in no way means I dont know what happened. I was following along the whole thing, and was frustrated (and still am) at the fact that we're so willing to tear each other apart over such inane bullshit as tactical decisions.

    I'm also not saying that Dore is sabotaging or infiltrating. I dont believe that. I'm saying he's a leftist in the most shallow sense. As in we dont need him, or anyone who who creates that much controversy. It would be better if we stop empowering folks like him.

    but lemme ask you this; do you care how m4a or the pro act is passed? if not, then why do you still care about this? also, do you think the vote would have passed the lower house? If you answer yes to this, idk what to say other than you're wrong. If you answer no, then why do you still care?

    stop listening to jimmy dore. he's a lib.