And a good chunk were IDF Apache gunships strafing with 30mm autocannon fire crowded highways filled with civilian vehicles. Blows my mind that the Israeli military did a reenactment of the iconic WikiLeaks "collateral murder" Apache gunship flight recorder video on their own citizens multiple times in one day. Hamas launches an attack and Israeli helicopter gunship crews just lose their shit on a scale i can't recall having happened anywhere else at any other time. Professional military my ass, bunch of bottom of the barrel idiots armed with hundreds of billions of dollars in top of the line US military hardware.
And at least half were soldiers
And a good chunk were IDF Apache gunships strafing with 30mm autocannon fire crowded highways filled with civilian vehicles. Blows my mind that the Israeli military did a reenactment of the iconic WikiLeaks "collateral murder" Apache gunship flight recorder video on their own citizens multiple times in one day. Hamas launches an attack and Israeli helicopter gunship crews just lose their shit on a scale i can't recall having happened anywhere else at any other time. Professional military my ass, bunch of bottom of the barrel idiots armed with hundreds of billions of dollars in top of the line US military hardware.
Is there video of this?
hexbear thread here:
Sweet. Man made horrors regrettably within my comprehension.