It's been recommended to me a few times, but it's almost always been stuff crossposted from r/2X or r/witchesvspateiarchy or whatever.

It feels like a terf sub but i haven't seen anything in it so far that was openly transphobic, just kinda... :sus

  • PlantsRTooCool [des/pair]
    3 years ago

    I like aspects of it; encouraging women to know their worth, have standards for the men they date, showing that women don't need a man to be happy and fulfilled (this one is funny because while they explicitly express this the whole premise of the sub is about getting a man so....yeah...)

    However these decent morsels are mixed in a stew of terf shit, bourgeois morality, an often incel-like hate of men. Also whenever they talk about what makes a high quality man it always seems to be basically that they make a lot of money/successful career and that the subscribe to the bourgeois morality of hard work and such... Eh that's just not for me.