Only found out the r/cth community in exile moved here, looks like a cool site

Corner Späti is a podcast about the dumb Asian peninsula posing as a continent, Europe. Are you an American sick of hearing that if you become Sweden all your problems will be solved? Are you a European sick of listening to people only complain about the USA? Well, have we got the podcast for you!

Listen at our totally normally named website or all the other pod places and we're on the bird site and twitch


Personal fave is the episode where I got drunk while we were talking about Germany's left party Die Linke but People like the episode we did on Nazi infiltration in the German Military


Of course

Self-promotion done, I hope you like the pod, how's things with everyone else?

  • Straight_Depth [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I'll give it a listen, thanks. Big fan of TF and WTYP, so looking forward to listening to your crossover eps

    • ciaran_cornerspaeti [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The TF gang are massively helpful, we have Nate on for the bonus episode out tommorrow

  • bottech [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Im curious how did you found out about this website? Also i love your podcast

    • ciaran_cornerspaeti [he/him]
      3 years ago

      My horrifying life working for startups made me keenly aware of the .io domain and one day I checked if this particular one was available and thought it was a good solution to the problem of our podcast having the very Berlin word of Späti in it.

      I think it was when Julia was on a German language podcast and she had to explain to other Germans what a Späti is that I felt we needed something easier to shout out when on other pods

        • ciaran_cornerspaeti [he/him]
          3 years ago

          hahah fuck, yeah, that makes way more sense. I found it via the left podcasts subreddit. I left reddit after r/cth was banned but I recently decided to take a look at the r/cth communities in exile and I found this linked there

  • pluggd [they/them]
    3 years ago

    It's a good show folks. Lots of euro insight.

    If you keep posting, Keerhain, I'll keep listening :suswcc:

    • ciaran_cornerspaeti [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I see there's c/europe, gonna fucking dom that shit with pictures of Orban's fail son and Bera Ivanishvili

      • Hungover [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Ah I was mostly memeing, but seriously, I don't consider one post a week spam.

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    There’s a house on the American and Canadian border that is split in half by it. In the kitchen you are in America, in the bedroom you’re in Canada.


    In the bathroom, European.

    And thank you comrade, I’ll check it out for sure!

    • ciaran_cornerspaeti [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This is a lie, we talk about Hungary quite a bit

      current Hungarian theory...

      personally obsessed with understanding Hungary, the current CS theory is that Orbanism is the future of right wing politics on the continent. It definitely seems to have more of a future than the technocratic centre-right of Merkel and Draghi and Boris' Tories and Rutte's VVD seem to be doing similar shit Orban did a couple of years ago (albeit adapted to a local context). Also, Hungary is playing a useful role within the EU as the backdoor to China which is very fun to watch happen.

      • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        It does seem like more right wing parties are stealing a page from him, especially Boris. I hate him with a passion but he plays the EU like a fiddle, it's amazing to watch (I hate the EU too, lol).

        Maybe this article could help, it talks about how in Spain Aznar pumped up a national bourgeoisie through football and construction (basically the same as Orbán does), since i read this i'm trying to get my hands on IBEX 35.

        • ciaran_cornerspaeti [he/him]
          3 years ago

          To be fair, the understanding we've come to is that the EU doesn't mind Hungary as much as they let on and they're basically the EU's contingency for if China achieves their short to medium term foreign policy goals, since China wants a multipolar world (the EU being one of those poles) and China and Hungary have very good relations (the first Chinese college campus outside of China is being built in Budapest as the most recent example).

          It's a weird contradiction in European foreign policy at the moment where Europe depends a lot on the US militarily but can clearly see which way the wind is blowing and would benefit greatly in the multi polar world China envisions, the bulk of the population also don't view China as the bogeyman the atlanticists want them to (they're still aligned on Russia though) and NATO is very unpopular with the populations of France and Germany.

          • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            Yeah, sometimes (like when the refugee crisis happened) it's even better for Germany and the northern countries that there's someone who can play bad cop so they can wash their hands. Didn't think a lot about that but now that you say it's pretty suspicious that while they speak very ill on China they're letting them increasingly take part in the european markets. Like the demagogue way people describe this is "China is invading Europe" but it's not, they're making good offers and the EU lets them in.

            It will be pretty fucking interesting to see how the rabid anticommunist Orbán explains the pivoting to communist China, it just started so there's not much talk about it yet though. In the most unlikely scenario it turns out he was just playing all along and is actually a communist sleeper cell.

          • GreenDream [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            Europe has such a good deal ripping off the US for defense, they have no idea. Military might is incredibly expensive and to have an idiot pay for you has got to be the best position in the world. If European governments decided to increase defense spending they would be voted out of office by their own constituencies.

            China has no such compulsions and views Europe as a weak, old continent ready and willing to be bribed away. European anti-Americanism is enough to get them to go along with it, too. The Atlanticists in DC won't let Europe go easily, though. We could see US base sieges in the coming decade.

            • pluggd [they/them]
              3 years ago

              Military might is incredibly expensive and to have an idiot pay for you has got to be the best position in the world.

              This is such a tired right wing trope. The US isn't Paying For Europe. The US spends militarily because post WW2 a faction realized that they could control their own society and the wider world through the military industrial complex.

              They are not paying for anybody. They are paying for their ongoing control.

      • pluggd [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Like I just said, always dropping the euro insight.

        We need a c/geopolitics here

  • CommunistShoplifter [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I’m pretty sure I owe you an apology if I remember right. You sent me a message on the old sub pointing me to an episode of your podcast that was about something I’d talked about in a thread and suggested I give it a listen and give you some feedback on it because I seemed to know what I was talking about.

    Me being strung out on heroin at the time I believe, I replied telling you to go fuck yourself and your podcast. So I apologise for that. I’m genuinely sorry and will actually listen to it now.

    EDIT: if not you, then someone involved with your podcast anyway. I remember the name.

    • ciaran_cornerspaeti [he/him]
      3 years ago

      All good buddy that was a million years ago, I believe that was Rob who was messaging people on reddit so it may have been him.

      • CommunistShoplifter [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Let him know I’m honestly sorry about that and I did actually try and find him on reddit to apologise more than once in the past month but could only remember the podcast name. I was strung out and miserable and he definitely didn’t deserve me being a complete fucking prick to him for literally no reason whatsoever.

        I actually like what I’ve listened to so far but I do have some corrections/questions about your German history (which actually may have been what he asked me to give feedback on in the original message now I think about it).

          • CommunistShoplifter [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            alright, thanks man.

            Also really like what I’ve listened to of your podcast. Will email Virgil my corrections on some of your history :che-smile:

            (you’re actually way more accurate on your modern European history than most podcasts I’ve listened to, seriously kudos on actually putting in the research because my corrections are all minor and I’m really only mentioning them to be a sarcastic dick. Podcasts like, say, Chapo are much, much worse - they somehow managed to mix up entire countries when they discussed Europe and have done it on more than one occasion. So being genuine for a moment I’m actually pretty impressed by your accuracy and research, so seriously I want to give you kudos for putting in the work. I did four years of modern European History at Uni and so its kinda ingrained in my brain)

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I watched the Golden Dawn episode and it was mostly good but you got a few things wrong after a certain point. For instance Fyssas was not an anarchist, KKE does participate in the Fyssas marches and black bloc doesn't really "protect" anyone, they mostly fuck things up and attract the police and you kinda skipped over the very significant part where Golden Dawn was under trial which they lost (yay) and which played a significant role in them losing the elections since people were trying to flee the party basically to evade responsibility. No one really thought they were getting stronger at that time. But overall it was fun.

  • GreenDream [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Are you a European sick of listening to people only complain about the USA?

    Do these exist? :brow: