Waiting in the intake room. Probably got another 30 before I see anyone while my covid test gets done. Havent had a drink in 5 days, and am feeling pretty ok. Just wanna get back to the corgi and get on with recovering. Fingers crossed they won't keep me too long, on account of i haven't had any bad WD symptoms, just a little sleeplessness. I think maybe an outpatient thing would be best, but ill probably be here for a few days at least I'd imagine.
Sending you all, all of my love
Thank you!
They took my Retroid tho so im stuck with phone games tho :(
Depending on your phone you can probably emulate on it, otherwise I've got a few suggestions if you want them :)
I do have retroarch on here! Just remembered that. Would need to use touch screen controls tho. Pokemon Pinball it is!
Hoping for a speedy recovery and lifelong sobriety comrade! Get back to your pupperoni soon
Polite answer: I'm fine! Thank you for asking!
Unless you really want to know... Ramblings ahead.
I'm mostly lowkey at the world as a general vibe nowadays. I'm trying to cultivate a productive mindset of revolutionary optimism in order to combat the feelings of hopelessness that the state of things are swamping me with, but having a hard time accomplishing anything because my brain feels too scattered to stay on the tasks I want to get done. There's been a lot of productive procrastination, but it always leaves me feeling hollow when my real goals don't get any closer. I keep coming up with projects that I think would help with keeping me on task, but worry they're just me looking for a new project so I can avoid working on the ones I really should be focusing on. In nerd speak: I really wish I could do a mass kage bunshin and delegate all the tasks constantly bouncing around in my head to the different clones of me, because ultimately, there's just not enough me or enough time.
Unfortunately, everyone in my life is a lib so there's nobody I can really talk to about things and connect with in offline spaces anymore and I don't feel comfortable getting into specifics online. I'm a middle aged cishet white guy who doesn't really have it that bad all things considered, but time is passing me by too fast and I worry, that my dwindling bank account will bottom out or the universe will swallow me back up into the nothingness, before I'll be able to do anything helpful for those who come after me. Oh, and did I mention I have an overinflated ego? 😅
Thanks for asking though, really. Nothing you can do, but was good to get that out.
Good luck with rehab!
Wishing you love and luck. Alcohol is my crutch too. It's a tough one and it's fucking ubiquitous. You never notice how it's everywhere until you try to quit it. Be kind to yourself if you relapse. It doesn't mean you're a failure or anything like that. Just start again tomorrow. It's cliché but just treat every day like a fresh start. You got this.
Thanks for updating us, Comrade. I hope all the best for you. We're cheering for you.
Commit yourself to going to the 90 AA meetings in 90 days.
You didn't end up in a medical facility by accident.
There are LGBTQ+ meetings, Atheist/Agnostic meetings, young people meetings, etc etc.
Been going to the meetings for over a decade. Seen students, professors, cops, homeless, doctors, nurses, movie stars, artists, housewives, and every manner of neurodivergent come in and get help.
AA has a phrase we like to use; 'Terminal Uniqueness,' people who keep on using because they are sure that they are special and can drink safely even when their families, their friends, and every medical professional tells them to stop.
Everything AA and Meeting Guide are two apps you can download for free.
Everything AA has the AA literature, plus a guide for online meetings.
Meeting Guide locates AA meetings in your area [or another town if you want.]
You'll hear this in every AA meeting; addiction is the disease that tells us we don't have a disease.
Look at Heath Ledger/Whitney Houston/Marilyn Monroe/Amy Winehouse/Elvis. All were young, beautiful, talented, acclaimed, and beloved. Any one of them would be happy to trade all their money and fame for the chance you have right now.
When you go into the rehab or the Out Patient Program, just look at your peers. You'll see some people who are treating it like a joke, or a chance to get the family/job/courts off their back. They are already planning the next drink. Stick with the quiet ones who listen to the staff and take the suggestions. It's much easier to win your battles when you have an army standing with you.
Might want to look into an evidence based treatment program instead, I've heard some horror stories about 12 step programs.
It can definitely help some people. It does come with the spiritual baggage though, which can turn a lot of people off (myself included). I'm not in recovery, but I went to every NA/AA meeting with my ex so I got to see it from the perspective of an outsider being inside.
I'd try narcotics anonymous too. I quit drinking over a year ago and though I wasn't nearly as in to drugs by the end I found the NA crowd to be more relatable.
You can do this buddy. I believe in you