I disagree, but I wanted to hear the thoughts of my fellow Chapos

    • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I don’t know if he has any explicit experience with China, but he definitely has considerably more experience with AES than you do.

      Experience doing what? Preaching? The guy can't speak Chinese, didn't live in China, probably barely knows about Chinese culture and history. Experience? Sure, bud.

      Also, being a random laowai in China doesn’t make you an expert on China, you know that right?

      Congrats for knowing one Chinese word. Sure, living for 5 years in this country, being fluent in Chinese, studying economics in a Chinese university (being taught fully in Chinese), and having family and friends here doesn't make me an expert, but It surely makes me someone that knows more than a guy that doesn't know Chinese, hasn't live in China, and probably has no experience with the country besides visiting it, and a few conversations with some Chinese (maybe). Sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling out your idol. You realise that someone being famous or regarded as an intellectual doesn't necessarily makes everything they say right, correct or informed, right?

        • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
          4 years ago

          我也住在中国, but I’m not arrogant enough to act as if that makes me an objective authority on China.


          Nor does living there make our opinions objectively correct. Differences of opinion exist


          Anyway, it’s not like there aren’t Chinese that agree with the perspective that 21st century China is too capitalist-focussed


          Are my Chinese MZT friends just cringe anglos or something? Or the opposite; I’ve got Party-member friends who describe themselves as capitalist and admit they’re just in it for the networking; they’re anglos?

          你不能比较“中国有资本主义的问题”和Zizek的声明,它们完全不一样。What do bad party members and your MTZ friends have to do with Anglos? One thing is thinking China has problems with capitalism, I expressed Chinese communists are well aware of this; and other thing is saying China is the future of capitalism, which is exaggerated and fairly wrong. Regardless, I don't understand where does your logic come from, I never claimed you are an Anglo for thinking any of those. In fact (as I already said), I expressed how Chinese are aware of the problems of capitalism, I never said they are Anglos. Don't distort my words.

    • blobjim [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Zizek was an anti-communist the last time it actually mattered lmao.

      • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        primarily because he was fighting for the sovereignty of Slovenia when it became clear the Serbian political leadership had long abandoned Yugoslavia.

        hard to be a 'communist' in a land where all your comrades are actively killing it and making political moves for its aftermath.