Post your conspiracy theories about how conspiracy theories are conspiracies against actual theories.
The navy is getting owned with stealth drones and balloons and keeps calling UFOs so nobody feels bad about it. It kinda rules.
the most sus thing for me is that they are not crying "Russia!"; or maybe they would like to but can't because that would mean Russia has super advanced technology and that just can't be the messaging
It's not even advanced lol, this is shit the US was doing to the Soviets and Cubans in the 60s
there was this article two days ago, "Two retired Navy officers warn that infamous UFO Tic-Tac sighting indicates 'technology that outstrips our arsenal by at least 100 to 1,000 years'" but that was in the DailyMail so...
A good summary of this, for folks that don’t know
How the fuck
Is a blurry ass zoomed in video of a dot
an alien space ship?
Bro you don’t understand bro the military has way more evidence but bro they can’t just be putting all their evidence out cause bro that would give away all our secret tech bro
I think the Chapo guys are right on this, all these ufo info is probably going to get used as an excuse to pour billions more into the air force. They'll probably pretend it's super secret Chinese tech or some shit.
That's ridiculous honesty, do you really think the US military needs to make up fucking aliens of all things to increase funding? They literally just need to say CHUYNA and that's it.
Right, I think the idea is they'll let the stories gain traction, then say it was China/Russia and use that as a justification for another trillion dollar pilot decapitation machine.
Honestly that sounds even more ridiculous than it actually being literal ETs.
Pilots already came forward on record saying these things defy the laws of physics as we know them, I don't think anybody will buy that China or Russia has that kind of technology.
Like why is it so ludicrous to even consider that it might be ET? How do these kinds of mental gymnastics make more sense to you than that?
It makes no sense for them to be manufacturing consent like this. It would be way easier if they lie about China vastly expanding their military or whatever.
Yeah, it just doesn't make much sense to me. The US govt doesn't need some crazy excuse like this to spend more on the military, we all know this. And if they did need an excuse, they can make up whatever story about Russia or China and that will pass.
All this does is decrease the govts credibility to defend it's people. They are admitting there are things flying around that they can't do anything about.
And how is everyone ignoring the fact that these objects are doing maneuvers at insane speeds that would pretty much be impossible to accomplish with any foreseeable technology?
Disappointed to see so many fully dismiss the idea that these could be something entirely unexplainable.
Disappointed to see so many fully dismiss the idea that these could be something entirely unexplainable.
It's because it isn't unexplainable at all. Everyone who seriously analysed the vids didn't find anything particularly interesting. The military either wants to hand people some slop and ask for more money, or they can't say what they really concluded yet due to red tape, or they got owned and are trying to save face. Seriously, not one of the videos shows something particularly wild. The GO FAST video which supposedly shows it move at insane speeds over the sea can easily be calculated to move at about wind speed using the numbers shown on the screen. The "rotation" video has been replicated by spinning around a camera viewing an object that produces a glare, while compensating for the rotation, which is how these cameras work. The flying pyramid videos have also been replicated by filming planes out of focus with night vision cameras with triangular irises. And so on and so forth. Not one of them shows what it is made out to show. So the question is, why does everyone writing these stories as well as some officials act like they don't realize this?
This video says that some of the latest pentagon releases are just a camera effect.
I agree with you. Distraction is meaningless.
The biggest distraction in the world exists in movies, videogames and the internet. Simply pouring more money into these to make the most efficiently distracting entertainment products in existence is all that's necessary. Honestly surprised they aren't pouring their money. They'll pour it into sex videogames too, which will inevitably be reactionary, when VR tech actually becomes accessible for anyone other than pretty well off enthusiasts.
Idk how you can say that in the age when attention is the hottest commodity. Of course distractions are a huge part of the news cycles. What do you think Russiagate is/was about? Or China? A cheap way to divert ppls attention from internal problems to an external bogeyman.
The drive of computational colonialism is not the *diversion* of attention from “real issues” (people are not interested in those in the first place), but to *capture* attention for image-code commodification (M-I-C-I’—M’) and the more mundane generation of ad revenue. It’s profit driven. Capital is not conspiratorial.
I agree with you that it has become near impossible to distinguish between "real issues" and simulacra, but by that logic we could also say that all capital is conspiratorial, semiologically speaking. I see you are using a modified M-C-M' formula. Is that some particular text you are referring to? I'd be very interested to have a look.
Thanks! I read his Cinematic Mode of Production, which was pretty good. Without having read this one, granted, I'd say the blurb does not contradict what I'm saying. E.g.:
Computational media function for the purpose of extraction rather than ameliorating global crises, and financialize every expressive act, converting each utterance into a wager.
I mean, that's just the description of clickbait, which has little to do with factual information and a lot with extracting money/emotions. Which, if that's the case, I don't see why creating hoaxes, distractions, and false narratives can't be both profitable and useful for diverting attention from unpleasant realities.
Sounds good. A 2021 science and technology studies approach to Debordian spectacle and recuperation.
The "racial" capitalism part is shoe-horned into the description but sure why not as well.
The terrorist/Russia/China fear mongering isn't working on people like it used to. People are pissed they can't afford to live but the military gets like $750b a year to get owned in whatever conflict they bully their way into.
So they're dropping this to say they need money to fight aliens so they can keep the tap of endless funds open.
2000s: the government is hiding aliens from us
2020s: the government is hiding the lack of aliens from us
Unless physics was wrong, in which case we would have seen evidence of it. Whefe there doesn't appear to be.
It would take the energy output of something like a sun to move a craft from any other planet to ours. That would show up red hot on any and every kinda detector we have.
I am afraid that in this universe you must follow the speed limits, and that means no little flying saucers
Apprently physicist Harold White developed numerous solutions to the mass-energy requirement problem for the warp drive
I don’t think any aliens would bother to do interstellar travel just to hang around US military bases and then disappear lmao
They do appear in other countries, its not entirely the US
They don't really. Or rather they do but it is far, far more uncommon.
You're wrong though. South America, Africa and Asia have pretty rich UFO lore, you just hear about the US cases the most because of dat cultural hegemony.
Not really. In a few places it sporadically becomes more frequent, especially in South America, because something received a lot of media attention. In Chile for instance the military offered a similar video which was thoroughly debunked, however it played enough that everyone started seeing aliens suddenly. But overall it's a phenomenon that started in the US and that is where it is still most prominent.
The US is what, 300 million people? The world has about 7 billion people. And yet most reports come from the US. I saw some research that said around 16% of Americans claimed to have seen a UFO. I can assure you no such thing happens in any place I know. I don't know about every single country but no matter where I look, every list in numerous languages has a massively disproportionate number of UFO sightings coming from the US.
Most reports you personally hear about come from the US. You won't be able to get an easy overview of the entire dataset by doing a few google searches, you need to dig into this stuff a bit.
Well apparently China is doing its own UFO disclosure:
I haven't managed to independently verify all of the info in the video but the "five continents forum" things seems like it's real.
All this video shows is that in a country where literally billions of people live, there is a small organization of ufologists unconnected to the government which organized an international conference. Um alright but that's not really anything to do with China doing a UFO disclosure.
It actually is connected to the government if the video is to be believed, did you even watch it to the end?
All that said I couldn't really independently verify most of the info, so it might just be bullshit.
Comrades! It's happening! :posad: :posadas: :possadist-ufo: :porky-scared:
Jodi Dean, in her Aliens in America writes that UFO sightings in the US have always spiked during the economic turmoils and such.
I wonder if belief in haunted houses correlates with a bad housing market. "We poured everything into this house, we literally can't afford to leave, even if it's haunted."
It's a fear of finding out you're in a lemon of a house that you're financially trapped with.
And a nascent subconscious understanding that EVERY house in this country is built on an "Indian Burial Ground" called America.
I don't think the US government really needs to invent aliens to distract people from things. They've managed to do it successfully for decades using much more mundane strategies.
If it's a distraction, it's not a very good one. This is the only site I've seen people talking about UFOs on in months.