This is awful, butyou're not convincing me those are real place names
I live in Vale of White Horse. Every weekend we gather at the tourney and see who the bravest knight in the village is. I've killed countless Frenchmen because Calais is my Zion. When I say m'lady it's not sad it's cool. POX-19 is only on the rise because we deny germ theory and have a flagellant problem to restore our collective chastity.
“Wirral” is a Disco Elysium reference, this is entirely fake
uhhhh :england-cool:
Being sus in west sussex, playing sax
Also known as bill clinton visits rural england
As a child I would hike up the Wrekin
Does that make me a wrecker?
Does :aus-delenda-est: still have colonial era B*itish named towns? You might be surprised by what you find.
At least they finally renamed Port Elizabeth here, poor Australians
Infrastructure has a lag time, expect to see a lot of Prince Philip named projects pop up soon.
Ah yes it is I, some rando with a 1 hour old account here to call you a doomer. My word is more important than any others on this site. No I am not a wrecker from kiwifarms.
You don’t suck comrade, you make me feel like I’m not bonkers for thinking “errr hang on a minute, shouldn’t we perhaps be a little more cautious here, given the west explicitly opted into a long drawn out means of managing this”.
I think we’ve convinced some comrades :party-parrot-mask: but maybe chill with the :this-is-fine: posting, until something drastic happens or some time passes
@aaaaaaadjsf told me they were hour old accounts. Taking their word because I was in between running errands when I responded to the post. I did see the asshole who made the your username sucks account. God what a loser.
Yeah someone called @LivinDaDream said they'd spit in someone's face as some sort of anti mask assholery. Got banned immediately lmaooo o7 mods
They went mask-off way too quickly for a sleeper account. D+ for effort tbh. I read two of their comments and immediately went "this fucker's getting banned"
Yeah I mean talking about spitting in someones face is going to get you banned for assault and spreading disease/general disrespect, or get a call from the @VolcelPolice depending on the context
This is really burying the lede, Brits named an area "sus sex".
On the brighter side, numbers are extremely small, so margin of error is giant
The thing is actual bad news is suppressed. How many people knew that the AstraZennica vaccine is only 10-22% effective against the beta variant of Covid 19, and that countries have had to send shipments of the AZ vaccine back because of this? Probably no one, unless you religiously follow my comments on here. Like legitimate terrible scenarios have happened, but it's actually scary for the media to report on that instead of fear mongering over nothing, so they won't, in order to keep the illusion up.
countries have had to send shipments of the AZ vaccine back because of this?
That's not why they sent back shipments, at least not everyone, they sent them back because everyone is spooked by the side effects, which was anything but suppressed. If anything all media in Europe was screaming about them 24/7 and then complaining that people don't get vaccinated.
This is blatantly false for South Africa. We sent back the AZ vaccines before there was any news fear mongering of side effects, because the AZ vaccine was only found to be 10-22% effective against the South African beta variant. Like again, you probably didn't hear about this because no one cares about the global south, and because when something actually bad happens the media won't report on it.
This is blatantly false for South Africa
Well, I said "at least not for everyone". It was talked about or happened in a few countries in Europe but because of the side effects thing. The beta variant hasn't spread much over here unlike the alpha one so it doesn't seem like there is much care about it.
and because when something actually bad happens the media won’t report on it.
Again, they were losing their shit 24/7 about the AZ side effects. They love bad things.
Eh, it’s not a headline, just eyes are drawn to 600 % figure, when it’s likely 200+-40 percent, from more populated statistics (from the most affected areas, but still), over all uk it’s 40 percent increase, which is kinda bad for their vaccination rate
Also idk how many regions are in England, depending on the size and number of regions. When case numbers drop to a small enough value it's very easy to find regions which locally gave "large" spikes.
If you want to get technical, the proper name for China - in Mandarian - is literally "The Middle Place".
"Middle Earth" as a concept is taken directly from Old English "Middengeard" or the Norse "Midgard".
It basically just means "Earth" as Norsemen and Anglo-Saxons understood it.
Lord of the Rings was written to create a mythology that Tolkien believed was missing from British culture. There's tonnes of concepts that are lifted wholesale from the annals of British history and linguistics.
AFAIK that translation is closer to the English "Central" or "Center" state, not middle as much. Bc in ancient times, you know, China was the state. Everyone else was mostly tribes & clans
Any clever headlines from the BBC decrying the effectiveness of western vax? No?
Aren't they mostly using the Astra Zeneca one which has been shown to only be like 24% effective against some of the new strains? I wonder how many vaxxed people with Pfizer or moderna have gotten sick
Yeah efficiency of AstraZennica is between 10 to 22% against the beta variant
:covid-cool: :doomjak:
For the latter (AstraZennica) trial, an overall vaccine efficacy was reported at 22% and 10% against the South African variant, with B.1.351 making up 95% of the cases
Yes, good thing the Pfizer vaccine isn’t showing significant loss of antibody neutralization against the delta variant, isn’t it? It feels good to be an American 😎
It's a fall from 95% to 75% effectiveness, which is manageable at least. The phizer vaccine is showing a similar response to the delta variant as it did to the beta variant. The real worry is countries that use the AstraZennica vaccine, because if that responds to the delta variant in the same way it responded to the beta variant, it becomes practically useless with 10% effectiveness (see my other comments in this thread).
Yeah, it's not like that's all happening right now...
:yea: :doomjak:
Yes, and the key word there is manageable. Although the Pfizer drop off isn’t as bad as for AZ, this aspect isn’t cause for celebration for how the US might fare in the next few months. The recent federal position has implied that the government basically considers Covid to be done and dusted at this point. Sleepy Joe isn’t going to interrupt his hot wet American summer for anything.
The increase in reproduction rate through weakened vaccine response considered in the context of the abandonment of non-pharmaceutical interventions is bad news. Whilst this particular variant might not directly neutralise the Pfizer vaccine, given distancing and masks are now a thing of the past it’s still going to lead to more deaths and also increase the chances of a more effective variant emerging.
Of course it’s still a probability game and maybe we’ll get lucky and we won’t get an escape variant of significance for a long time, but the likelihood is increasing :sadness:
Rates are gonna be slow during summer regardless. Last time they fell almost everywhere when it got hot. I hope that if they continue to fall as rapidly as they are worldwide, rates should be low enough during summer that new mutations will be avoided while more people get vaccinated.
But what's to say the same thing can't happen in the USA in the future? As someone that has seen my country turn a shipment of vaccines back due to this, the situation is very volatile globally. The effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine after two does still drops to 75% against the beta and delta variants. Obviously that's manageable and no where near as bad as 22%, but it still shows how volatile everything is
In my country we got the option to get the J&J vaccine, and when talking about the side effects the doctor was "as far as we know its these and these numbers, but the US system is fairly primitive, so its likely more"
Three Rivers
I know for a fact there are more rivers than that. Yet another A*glo lie
The b*its do be like that sometimes. In South Africa, in the towns/streets that haven't been renamed yet half of it is B*it nonsense and the rest is broken Afrikaans. So glad they finally renamed "Port Elizabeth" to something decent.
there is no stopping it rofl, covid restriction is over, it will run through the population and those who aren't vaxxed will suffer.
what this doesn't take about is the lethality and severe case reduction that even an ineffective vaccine does. In my area and hospital the pandemic is effectively over and reimposing restrictions or getting people to put masks on will literally never happen. I mean we are literally at April 2020 levels of cases where everyone was actually following restrictions rn. covid in the US is effectively, in the public eye, over.
Yes, even an escape variant has it's lethality and severity reduced by the double vax according to all existing data.
" I guess if it’s hard we might as well not try," the American public will not "try" again, my point is there is nothing short of covid-ebola to make the public care about covid again. I have literally watched people who's parents or siblings lay dying from covid refuse to wear a mask....
I see TERF island has probably got the beta variant of Covid 19, good luck because the AstraZennica/Oxford vaccine that they've used widely there is only 10-22% effective against the beta variant according to research from South Africa. AAAAA:screm-a:
For the latter (AstraZennica) trial, an overall vaccine efficacy was reported at 22% and 10% against the South African variant, with B.1.351 making up 95% of the cases
Yeah there's simply not enough information to find out how the vaccines react with the delta variant. Phizer is one only one out with concrete numbers, saying effectiveness is reduced from 95% to 75% with the delta variant. This is worrying, as it's the exact same drop in effectiveness as the beta variant in this vaccine. And if the AstraZennica vaccine shows similar results as the beta variant, well that would be disastrous as outlined in my previous comment.
No, they have the delta variant. Doesn't look like the beta variant spread as much as others in most places.
Yeah, the world got pretty lucky there. We can't play with fire like this, but capitalism will soo...
IDK mate, during the harshest lockdown I was still going out on long bike trips and hikes. You dont need to be locked inside, just limiting your contacts
Sort of a joke , at the beginning of lockdown, that you had more people excercising outdoors that first month than you'd see in a year.
yeah, wearing a mask when outside the house is the same as talking to your funko pops while you're 16 hours a day online
sure feels bad when i log into a leftist forum and i read posts about how bad the world is