Permanently Deleted

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    We've been working on making this happen for months by slowly draining the left from the community. Looking forwards to seeing it gone for good. Once a community just becomes a bunch of fascists it even starts turning off liberals who leave, at that point the community gets worse and worse and worse until it's gone.

    If you run any subreddit on reddit please consider running safestbot and auto-banning any participants of pcm. Then in mod mail tell them that they'll be unbanned if they stop participating there, explain that it does nothing but harm to the left and it is in the interests of every leftist to strategically cease participation.

    We've been doing this for a long time and are confident it has been working. I encourage others to do it too.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        /r/socialism, among others, although I actually think /r/socialism is one of the ones we're not implementing it on currently, it might be time I had that conversation though. I wouldn't say "run" either. They're all collective efforts of the work of many people. It's not just places I run doing it though, leftist mods have pretty good backchannel communications and relationships, at least amongst the left-unity crowd, there's a bunch doing it that I'm not part of.

        Tronald started it, the legend.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      What about people who never ever put on a PCM flair and only drop in to attack the idea of the subreddit as a whole, or call people liars for referring to nazism as not right-wing, and then never reply to any comment demanding to "flair up" so as to not be banned?

      Maybe you could ban anyone with a flair automatically? It's required for real participation.

      I think it's important to attack the sub itself instead of getting into stupid ass straw man meme wars

      Let me be clear, either way that's some flavor if fucking awesome and I'm proud of you :michael-laugh:

      • 1267 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Do you remember when chuds would come to our subreddit? Did we listen to them? We did not. I don't know why you'd spend time and effort expecting a better reaction from the users in a fascist subreddit.

        • SerLava [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Oh because it frequently gets on the front page. It's not for the dipshits in the subreddit at all

          The subreddit is specifically designed to appear neutral for the less politically engaged who stroll in on le epic may may.

          Most fash subreddits are openly hostile to anyone left of center, but the power of PCM is specifically that they have people with green and red squares guffawing along and "actually I agree"ing to fascist shit. This circumvents the "wow this place is a bunch of nazis" lib response, so their shit is least effective if there's a bunch of unflaired "this is stupid nazi shit, the whole sub is fake" posts interspersed in the comments.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        The macro I show people that are actual-leftists who get caught by this is below. The point is to catch actual leftists. The community of pcm only deteriorates through non-participation. Every leftist in there fighting, voting, and reporting content is helping to make the reddit admins think it is a mixed space and you're helping keep content down and away from front page. As well as helping to report it. Stop doing all of it.

        The reddit admins rely on the community reports. When communities aren't reporting their bad content it is the point at which admins have to step in.

        We unban these leftists from our communities immediately when they're found, but they must stop their participation or the bot will eat them again.

        We get hit by so many reactionaries we use a bot as a necessary measure just to keep the workload manageable by auto-removing people that participate in reactionary subreddits.

        You've primarily been hit for the pcm activity -- You should consider quitting it. It's a space that deeply harms the left and exists only to make nazis seem quirky and relatable while simultaneously laundering their image from the long held academic position of "far right" to the ridiculous pcm position of auth-centre.

        It doesn't benefit the left whatsoever to work with nazis. The sub would implode if the reactionary left still participating there would just leave it like every other nazi space on the site does.

        I've removed the ban now though.

        • SerLava [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Ohhhh that actually makes a lot of sense. Letting it go unreported is how to ban them. Ok, that's brilliant. You convinced me.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Letting it go unreported and letting it all get to the top yep yep.

            One of the things that was a major component in keeping the place more reasonable was the existence of a real left in the space previously. This left would vote down the nazi shit and force them to be much more crypto in order to gain upvotes.

            As the left has been drained, the counter-acting voters have been drained and the subreddit has become more and more mask off with its content.

            Submitters are karma-driven so they pander to upvotes, if you change the voting base of a community you change the content of that community.

  • ErnestGoesToGulag [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Why the fuck would leftists post there anyway?

    You're supposed to stop fascists not make memes with them. Like half the posts are about "isn't it cool how we can all get along but have such different opinions?"

    • DashEightMate [any]
      4 years ago

      No real leftists post there, it's either larpers or impressionable teenagers who take the Unity™ rhetoric to an extreme

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Reddit admins finally clamping down on PCM

    :sicko-hair: :party-sicko: :sicko-beaming: :sicko-biker: :sicko-blur: :sicko-charging: :sicko-crab: :sicko-crowd: :sicko-fem: :sicko-flipped: :sicko-hexbear: :sicko-hippie: :freedom-hater: :sicko-hyper: :sicko-instapot: :sicko-pog: :sicko-yes: :sicko-zoomer: :sickomogus: :xicko: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-surveillance: :sicko-wholesome: :sicko-specter: :sicko-radiant: :sicko-queer: :sicko-intrigued: :sicko-jammin: :sicko-jpeg: :sicko-laser: :sicko-luna: :sicko-mega: :sicko-ness: :sicko-no:

    • Hotspur21 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Damn didn’t realize we had so many ways to be sickos

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Fake communist nazbol larpers :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:

  • Galli [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    was this one of the subs they seized from mods who were chapos?

    • cawsby [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yep, and the mod team expanded to a bunch of auth right chuds almost instantly.

      Centrists moved in and bothsided communism with nazism. Most sane people left and now it is just right wing posts from grandpa with liberals commenting on how funny posts are.

    • W_Hexa_W
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • jabrd [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I forgot how blatant that one was. /r/presidentialracememes was consistently pro-Bernie and left so the admins just swooped in one day and couped the mods so that bam, just like that, it suddenly was staunchly pro-Biden. That was just insane