Just wondering what everyone thinks about this. In almost every place I've worked coworkers with right wing beliefs are never shy about giving their opinion and views on things.

The major talking points are usually variations of stuff like: we spend to much on beneficiaries and they should stop being lazy and get a job. That poor people have kids so they can get free money from the government. We need or be tougher on crime. Even absurd shit like being outraged that a homeless person had a smartphone and indulging in such lavishness is why they're homeless etc etc

Some of the shit I hear from otherwise seemingly lovely people is insane. I feel like I have to be so much more measured and have all my 'evidence' ready to defend my commie beliefs while these people can just say whatever bullshit they want and everybody just kinda nods in agreement.

Is this a normal thing in the Angloverse? Is it because their views are essentially the status quo already and they have just fully internalised the capitalist propeganda?

Please let me know

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    I was going to add, noting that I am not white passing so I don't think they feel confident "opening up" around me. My guess was that they feel the spaces and places belong to them but were somehow swindled away from them. Their forefather's vision was subverted so all the problems are an injustice and no moral, upstanding person could oppose their views. Dissent comes from a place of slimy institutions brainwashing children, sinister forces are the cause of violence, and their upstanding moral character is what sets them apart. In the same way it's hard for a communist to mask their compassion for their fellow comrade, it could be hard for a conservative to tolerate dissent from their status quo.