Not just redditors, but redditors who take surveys.
And trolls, of course.
They need a question in every survey asking you to state the length of your penis.
They might. :reddit-logo: is full of misogynists and transphobes after all. But why are you suggesting it?
Weed out question. People posting silly answers can easily be ignored.
Dunking on women and trans/nb folk for Le epic memes. Now that's a certified reddit moment.
I get what they are implying about genitals and who may or may not have them, but seems a bit pedantic even for a word cop like me
I for one am glad to not have a penis
Ok, dunk maybe isn't the best word to use here, you really got me. :debate-me-debate-me:
But indulge me for a second and lets actually address the substance of my criticism.
There are no women on the internet is an ancient 4chan meme, and a cornerstone of toxic online culture. It's been used to marginalize non-(cis)men and make them feel excluded. While reddit is not as crass as posting "tits or GTFO", it's very much in the spirit of the site to simply assume you're talking to a guy. A census poll in an (ostensibly) socialist sub going "So tell us about your penis" is a shadow of that, and I'm sure having to check the square that basically says "No, I'm actually one of those other ones. You know? The political ones?" will be off putting to at least some people. Re: your explanation how you can give silly answers to the question, that's really not how online polls are usually done.
The issues with a question like that and trans and non-binary people should be self-evident, and waving it away with "it's just a joke bro" really doesn't pass the sniff test for me. While I've talked to quite a few who are happy to make girl-dick jokes, I've also been called out by ones who're not yet at a place of comfort on this, and may well never be. Springing that shit on them in a census poll (because we're not talking about a shit-posting subreddit here, remember?) is bad.
And finally, I'd like to point out that in a post making fun of /r/socialism being full of "extremely young/actual children" proposing that mods ask them about their genitals is just super cool and normal. Even as a joke.
Dunk maybe wasn't the right word, but I've given a longer explanation to the original poster I replied to.
Yeah I was going to say. Almost any subreddit is going to come up with statistics close to this one. It's why you shouldn't take that place seriously.
We shouldn't take it too seriously, but it is a major social media site, and social media is modern propaganda.
The other thing to consider is the informal rule that 90% of site users don't post, so the overall demographics of people who browse reddit might be significantly different from the demographics of people who answer surveys.
I don't remember the old Chapo polls looking like this. It tended to be more college aged / twenty something with plenty of people living on their own
Why is this in the dunk tank? What I'm reading from it is that we have overwhelming support among young people with time on their hands
None of them know what they're supporting. It might as well be a poll of ice cream flavors. /r/socialism is a joke.
Just read theory. It's all there, all laid out by clearer thinkers than you. Read, understand, and then put it into action.
laid out by clearer thinkers than you
lmao yeah those brain damaged Hegelians who write a paragraph that's just one long sentence
You talk to other people about it. "What's the explanation for this?" "I think X is happening because Y." "Huh, this sounds exactly like what so-and-so theorist was describing." "Hey, this seems to contradict so-and-so theorist."
It's gonna look a lot like this over and over:
“What’s the explanation for this?” “I think X is happening because Y.”
This is 4 years old ffs. Why are you pretending this is in any way indicative of what the sub is today?
For real, 4 years ago I and I'm sure many others here was a radlib
Young people AND unemployed people, truly leftists are the scum of the earth!
The monkey paw curls or whatever. They're involved in high school groups that do not meet outside of school.
Lmaoooooo 25% trying to commodify themselves for college applications
I joke, but it is a sad phenomenon
That's the only reason I was in any orgs at all in HS or college. And even then, I preferred to just have a job once I learned that colleges/employers saw that as an acceptable substitute for extracurricular activities because: 1.) that paid actual money and 2.) it wasn't just obviously make-work bullshit for busybody rich kids.
Nothing is wrong with that, I just don't think that it's an indicator of anything that people want it to indicate, i.e., that the kids are alright and will save us and do the revolution.
Nothing ever happens material, does it matter if it’s in school/university?
I wonder what a similar survey of fascist subreddits looks like.
Okay. I mean, I wonder if there's a similar composition of youth. For that matter, I wonder what /r/neoliberal---or something equivalent that's actually popular---looks like.
They did a survey a couple years ago and it was overwhelmingly full of teenagers, not the well-educated adult professionals they liked to imagine themselves as, so they buried the results.
This write-in response:
Traditionalist/NRx in the strain of Guenon and Evola in particular. I primarily lurk r/socialism because interesting articles and critiques of modern society which i am sympathetic to consistently get voted to the top. I also have the opportunity to educate myself on what the modern discussion surrounding racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and all other manners of oppression, + other topics viewed through a marxist lens look like so that I can better craft my own arguments when engaging with leftists in my personal life.
:what-the-hell: :reddit-logo:
Ok just to clear some things up.
This isn't a survey of 100k people. It's a survey that occurred when the subreddit had 100k subscribers.
This survey occurred in 2017.
The write-in responses people are quoting should be considered in context of how the sub used to be (very socdem) vs how it is today (waaaay better).
The subreddit is literally nothing like this anymore, and you can at the very least assume that every survey participant has aged by 4 years since it occurred.
I moderate the subreddit, wasn't around when this survey occurred. It's not perfect but it's bloody decent compared to what it used to be. And it's definitely way better than the radlib and breadtube-ey type spaces on reddit.
So basically this is either :bait: or OP just didn't understand what they were actually posting. Love how try-hard this post turned out to be.
Pretty much, I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt though. I am hopeful that they wouldn't do this in bad faith because it is rather easy to discredit.
Thank you for the fact-checks. I apologize for locking the thread earlier, this is a great lesson for all of us libs, regardless of the OP's intentions. We all learn and grow over the years and that's what truly builds solidarity :heart-sickle:
It's fine! I wasn't really bothered by the locking , just that it needed a response and the various sus things in it clearing up. Criticism from further left is what pulls communities and their members leftwards so I'm never against that. It's a useful function, it just seems odd to criticise the subreddit for something it was years ago rather than something it is today. There are definitely still bread-tubey libs there but even the China threads have a very solid two sides to them and we do an enormous amount to keep things mixed rather than allowing radlibs to run amok. It's certainly not an ML community, but it's a very socialist one.
The demographics will definitely be dominated by comfortable white westerners though because the demographics of reddit are dominated by that.
Back on the subreddit, I recall a user called /u/r_socialism_run_by_kids (or something to that effect that fit the character limit) and I am not surprised to find that there is now data supporting that assertion.
I would be extremely interested in similar data about Hexbear users. Frankly, what reason is there to assume that our user base is substantially different?
Appreciate the boomer comrades a ton personally. I can't imagine having to put up with this bullshit for over 50 years
I see a lot of posts talking about a posters highschool history class. But also about the same as people talking about their kids.
I feel like the accessibility might create a bell curve of age ranges centered on early/mid 20s
Seems like I see more of the former than the latter.
But one thing that sucks is seeing something like a post about school or whatever, then checking in on the megathread and it's half borderline-horny :top-use-words: :bottom-speak: :headpat: shit and I get really fucking uncomfortable. :libertarian-alert:
I think kids are also more likely to talk about their lives.
But yeah that fucks me up. We need the volcel police back and for them to include that weird petting role play that folks deem important enough for a mega thread.
Not to be a prude but cmon man :biden-harbinger: I much rather have a prude volcel site that stays on topic over a horny leftist wing of a fan fic rp forum
We've been saying this forever and it's been a non-stop deluge of aggro horny posters demanding horny.
The volcels are sick of it and are gonna RISE UP
Next struggle session: Horny gulag to protect the chaste scholars of the site from being distracted by weird head scratch emojis.
The volcel police depends on a network of snitches. Please alert the nearest officer if you see any offences in progress so that they can be dealt with
Yeah the @VolcelPolice is there for reason, and not a bit.
I think part of the problem is that VP was always at least in part a bit, and now it's gone on so long that people think it's entirely a bit.
I mean they're trying but it's just one person with an account. I try to keep it up and call out people when it gets too much. I think we should unironically give the VolcelPolice account admin powers, just to keep people on their toes
I am calling for swift moderator removals of all horny posting, plus notification in the thread by the moderator of why the post was removed. Only through corrective action and education can we rid ourselves of the scourge of age-questionable hornyposting.
Yeah the TOS only requires users to be over 14 years old to have an account. Even if we changed it to 18 underage people would still be on here. So the best answer is just no sexual shit. End of story.
If the people want it, we are prepared to move to an admin role. Of course we would need to consult with the actual admins first, but that's another conversation. Until then, we remain (mostly) ever vigilant :volcel-judge:
I would be extremely interested in similar data about Hexbear users.
We had a user survey a good while back and iirc the 21-25 segment was the plurality, so the average user here is significantly older than the average Redditor, which makes sense.
We had a survey, average age of users was mid 20s, though around 20% to 25% of responders were under 18
So, not substantially different. I love how the people here really seem to dislike that fact, judging by the votes.
We lean like 3 to 5 years older on average but that's it really. Other than that it's pretty similar, if not exactly the same
I'll need to try find the survey in the modlog or something. But yeah, I feel I am both too young and too old for this site at the same time
That's cool that you're 29; I myself am no longer in my early 30s, but anecdotes aren't data.
I seriously doubt that you know with any certainty every moderator's actual age, but it is not worth arguing over.
I am a moderator and speak to everyone in the mod discord enough to know none of us are children.
#ThanksObama for "getting people jobs" after the recession lol what a failure!
We need to see the actual question or the other responses before we can judge exactly how bad that response is.