This guy is apparently a widely cited education scholar not an extremist Marxist or whatever: "You Can’t Get There from Here" Johnstone 2010 [PDF]:

"capitalist competition makes us stronger and more innovative"

sorry radlibs but there's a reason why 35% of students in your shitty designed STEM classes drop out, they aren't stupid for getting bad grades. You're the stupid one for being so ignorant that you've managed to fail to educate people for over 60 years. I take back everything I said about "western kids want to be Twitch streaming gamers lol they're losers", these families literally have not had access to a decent science education for three generations!

Are we still persisting in making our students sick of chemistry because “that is how chemistry is done here”? Who set the scene? How did it all come about?

The answer lies not with some malevolent group of people, but with a response made in the 1960s in the United States and throughout the Western world to combat the perceived threat of Russian scientific supremacy. ChemStudy and Chemical Bond Approach sprang up in the United States, Scottish Alternative Chemistry and Nuffield Chemistry appeared in the UK, and similar schemes were launched

the PMC class of finance imperialism educators are a malevolent group of people, Jeffrey Epstein was a NYC math teacher amber

his suggestions for improved chem curriculum

Begin with the idea of the filter that is driven by what the learners already know and by what interests them. There is no point in beginning a course in chemistry with a treatment of atomic electronic configuration or bonding because the anchorages in long-term memory are not there. Without attachments in long-term memory, a student can only learn by rote methods. An approach to chemistry through acids, bases, and salts is unlikely to stir students with enthusiasm. Apart from common table salt, how many salts are in place in long-term memory to provide relevance and reality for the learner? On the face of it, inorganic compounds are “simple”, but are they? So many wrong concepts are introduced by teachers or constructed by the learners in this area of chemistry. A glance at a book of chemical data will show the absurdity of suggesting that sodium (or any other metal) is “anxious” to lose electrons and chlorine is “desperate” to accept them. It is too soon to introduce lattice energy or hydration energy to provide a rational basis for compound formation. The octet rule, with all its pitfalls for later study, tends to raise its ugly head here as a sort of rationalization.

The model suggests that we should begin where students are, with their interests and experience, and lead them into discovering new ideas among the familiar. An obvious starting point is in organic chemistry, with gasoline, camping gas, food, clothing, plastics, and drinks and so much more that is familiar. I know that it has been the tradition to keep organic for later, but are we taking a “monkey” point of view? Let us consider some of the advantages in starting here.

The long-term memory already contains anchorages for what we want to teach and the filter is primed and ready to go. The working memory is not in danger of overload. We can go a long way into organic chemistry with only a few elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and possibly sulfur and phosphorus. Most of these are familiar (at least their names are) to the learner. By considering the spatial arrangement of the four electrons around a carbon, students, using their fingers, can see that a tetrahedral arrangement is likely. Never mind sp3 hybridization. It is a cobbling together of atomic orbitals (isolated atoms in the gas state) to produce a tetrahedron. This is using unreality to arrive at reality. Pasteur knew about the tetrahedral arrangement long before atomic orbitals were conceived.

Using the simple tetrahedral idea, we can do a lot of sound organic chemistry linked to what the students already know, avoiding overload of working memory. Only when we reach organic acids do we have to reconsider bonding, but this can now be linked to the simpler ideas of covalent bonding already established. Another advantage of beginning with organic is that there is no pressure to use balanced equations. Practicing organic chemists do not bother, so why should we?

The model has led us to select a starting point that fits what is already in a student's long-term memory. The working memory is not overloaded because only a few elements are involved in making familiar compounds. The representation triangle can be used along its sides to build ideas of the relationship between the macro and familiar, with the molecular. The use of the representational is reduced, and no calculations are necessary. All of this provides a logical basis for an applications-led approach instead of a conceptual approach followed by a passing mention of uses and applications.

The troublesome mole can be rethought in the light of the model. It has been my sad experience to have graduate students who confessed their inability to do mole calculations. The very word “mole” left them uncomfortable. How could highly intelligent young people have such an aversion? They met the mole too soon, wrapped up in incomprehensible (and even totally irrelevant) calculations that flooded the working memory into a state of paralysis. In an earlier publication (4) I set out an analysis of a trivial (from my point of view) mole calculation. I saw it as a four-step procedure, which did not tax my working memory, because I already had tricks for grouping the processes, but students saw it as a ten-step task, which blew their working memory.

  • buttwater [they/them]
    10 months ago

    was it chapo-boys who had a guest describing how the AMA artificially keeps the number of doctors in America low (by high cost/competitive medical schools) in order to keep doctor wages extremely high? The quote that stuck with me, paraphrased, was "we could have as many doctors as we do teachers, if we wanted to"

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      10 months ago

      tell this to an American and they'd say how nobody would ever do such lengthy and rigorous schooling + training to become a doctor if wages weren't artificially kept high

      looks at Cuba

      Honestly at this point they might be correct, so many education/career choices here are completely dependent on high wages because of how unliveable most of them are

      • spectre [he/him]
        10 months ago

        You can also "artificially" pay them more if you want, without playing supply/demand games

        • GaveUp [she/her]
          10 months ago

          Could you do that in America without an overthrow? Since doctors are employed and paid by private companies and not the state lol

          • spectre [he/him]
            10 months ago

            No yeah, of course nothing good will happen in America till something like that happens

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      The number that sticks out to me is there are only about 1 million doctors in total for the whole of the US.

    • D3FNC [any]
      10 months ago

      This is out of date by over 30 years. The AMA has been begging congress to expand residency funding for my entire career. The roadblock is not coming from physicians, it is hospitals and insurance companies that have decided inefficient care through nurse practitioners is more profitable for them.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      10 months ago

      In most anglophone countries both doctors and lawyers are still self-regulating which means that professional associations made up of doctors and lawyers determine how many doctors and lawyers can be licensed (though often only indirectly by setting standards). In many ways, these professional bodies are continuing their heritage as modern day descendants of medieval guilds by ensuring that prices are kept high.