
Shortly before opening, Casa Bonita’s new owners Matt Stone and Trey Parker decided to eliminate tipping and instead pay workers a flat wage of $30 per hour.

Now I could be wrong, but getting a an hourly wage as a restaurant worker is FAR better than relying on tips. I feel like either workers in this situation are too obsessed with tips or there’s huge context missing.

  • FanonFan [comrade/them, any]
    9 months ago

    You won't get a straight answer but you can often ballpark it if you work there or know someone who does. I have friends at McDonalds and Dominoes, where the owners were making ~$50 and ~$80 per labor hour, respectively, iirc. That's profit after all known non-labor expenses.

    I make it a point to figure this out for every place I or a friend works at, and then make sure everyone who works there knows the real numbers. Because bourgeois fucks will act like money's tight and lie to your face, so knowing the truth is necessary for convincing workers they can collectively bargain for more.

      9 months ago

      $50 per labor hour meaning, you have five front of house staff so five labor hours per hour, some number BoH another bunch of hours per hour, we're talking up to a grand to the owner's pocket per hour? Fuck, that is not a tight margin, fuck that

      • FanonFan [comrade/them, any]
        9 months ago

        Yeah basically, not sure how well it translates to a sit-down restaurant, nor how that compares to other cities.

        But even if the real number is half that for some reason (and I was already conservative in estimating the numbers I gave) that's still considerably more than the 7.25-13 that fast food workers make.