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  • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
    4 years ago

    Uh, but Harry himself freed a House-elf (or, tricked Dobby’s master into freeing him), something that happens extremely, extremely rarely. The Elfs, for the most part, don’t even want freedom because of all the internalized racism (which the books show Dobby struggling with, and over-coming).

    And one of the most memorable sub-plots was Hermione working her ass off for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. And the Elfs fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, which may have marked a turning-point in the relationship. Even the extremely reactionary Ron Weasley had a change of heart, which marked him and Hermione getting together.


    Though it’s true, slavery didn’t end during the books. And I won’t deny there’s a hella lotta lib shit in the books hahaha I just like pointing out some of the ways it’s based, too, cuz I love them. I have zero tolerance for JK Rowling though, and as far as I’m concerned she hasn’t written a word past the books, not even a single tweet. Death to terfs. And ya, Cho Chang and a few other characters/races are super fucking racist. I, unfortunately, can’t help that I read the series a dozen times growing up haha. I wish JK didn’t have to ruin it by being such a shit with her privilege.

    Star Wars is some bullshit though. It’s all about how ancient religious orders are more based than federal governments, and about how individual heroes are more important than mass movements. I sleep on Star Wars, though it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it. I only know that Star Trek is better.

    I’m glad, tho, that we agree on Hunger Games. It’s also the most realist media on this little list, and I’m glad that it gets the politics right. It really makes me wanna rewatch it. Maybe even read past the first book, we’ll see. I just love Katniss so much hahaha 🏹

    • Awoo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Hmmm we disagree a bit but I do kinda understand how you got to where you are. Star Wars is good though, at least under Lucas. Yes there's a space cult and magic involved but I genuinely think it serves no political or ideological purpose other than to put wizards in space for the sake of making the story more interesting. I don't see Jedi or Sith as competing religions. They are space wizards learning light magic vs dark magic. It has DnD influence if anything, which I think you can see a lot of when you look at the varied party-members during "dungeons" that they're investigating and the skills of the party members ranging from ranged combat to melee to lock-picking and/etc. Jedi are the space wizards of the party.

      • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
        4 years ago

        Honestly, 95% of the time I talk about HP these days, it’s just to shit on the author. I cannot explain why I feel compelled to redeem it that other 5% ahaha

        I’ve always liked the Jedi, tbh, before I started doing a political reading. They remind me of Buddhist monks, and I like a lot of the teachings they carry. Plus, they do it with badass space swords and are committed to fighting to the death to protect their values. V cool.

        Jedi are the space wizards of the party.

        I can’t believe it took like less than an hour for me to come around on Star Wars haha thank you for enlightening me o7

      • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Jedi or Sith as competing religions

        Thats way more of a thing in the old EU, particularly the old republic era stuff

        • Awoo [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Right right but I'm mainly focused on what Lucas was directly involved with. When I say "Star Wars is based on vietnam" I'm definitely solely referring to Lucas' works. I'm sure there are huge chunks of the EU he had absolutely nothing to do with.

          • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            I’m sure there are huge chunks of the EU he had absolutely nothing to do with.

            Yeah, pretty much everything in the EU had ~0 Lucas involvement, thats why a lot of it is, you know... good

            But semi-joking aside, from what I remember from interviews and stuff, he basically wanted to make a ww2 film, in space, with samurai movie elements and that morphed into whatever the hell it is now