now we have the breakthrough news idiots w ms khalek pushing abiy ahmads propaganda narrative about ethiopia, while the neckbeards on genzhou confident incorrectly asserts that tplf is funded by america and that the gov isnt committing ethnic cleansing. since noone is flying the red, we have communists whitewashing the state terror of the biggest neoliberal shooting star of the decade, the nobel prized privatizer liberal extraordinaire. good job internet
For your service, Comrade @RoboEvilHag :gold-communist: :stalin-heart:
would the genius care to articulate why it is correct for communists to perpetuate the narrative of a prowestern liberal capitalist state?
I don't think anyone knows what the hell you're talking about, you may wish to elaborate and clarify that stroke-inspired fever dream rant
i think the fact that I can’t decipher wtf they’re saying makes them look really cool.
hey I think you must be talking about this post but like, there's ONE comment. so why the broad brush? maybe quote it in your post and take it apart so there's context instead of this kinda stream of consciousness stuff which is very confusing
u engaged but its still tone policing. lol. ill take it i guess. fukc this shit website though
you won't even spend the barest effort to communicate your point so fuck you
It's not tone policing to ask you to coherently make your point in a way that people who haven't been looking over your shoulder can have the opportunity to understand what you're on about.
Ethiopia (who are neolibs), are doing ethnic cleansing (against tigray I assume), and some weird redditors think that tplf are connected to usa and deserve it? Did I get that right? But tigray are also a bunch of lib nationalists, unless I’m mistaken?
We love our beautiful trolls, we have the best trolls.
is this gonna be another black mold futures style account? or a one off bit?