I met some long time friends for pizza and beer tonight and i thought it was a fun night but right before we parted ways the two of them held an intervention with me. They said i was bringing up "socialist stuff" too much and it was making them depressed. They said to keep the conversation exclusively to things like games and anime. That if i didnt stop they didnt want to be friends anymore. Have you guys/gals/nonbinary pals experienced something like this before?

  • duderium [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My closest friends and family are all left-liberals who are ready to admit that we are fucked in many ways. They aren’t ready to make that final leap into Marxism however. One of my high school friends is visiting now and got pretty upset when we talked about politics. Again, he admits that everything is fucked, but Stalin and Mao killed a bajillion people and North Korea is bad, so what are we supposed to do? He also claims to live with a bunch of commie housemates who are driving him crazy, but I’m not sure that they’re actually communists. Like I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they all voted for Warren or something, in which case they would probably be making me insane too.