It can be time consuming due to the sheer length and duration, but I have found fat falling off in the places I have most issues (lower abdomen, chest, and back). It's free, it's super chill, and I have found it clearing my mind too. In combination with more intense regime, I think it is a a necessary supplemental exercise. I think walking outside is probably better (it feels more natural to me at least), but just a plain ol' treadmill or other cardio machine will probably get those steps up. Its super low-impact, easy, and do-able.

I'm dropping weight and I'm finding my brain rebooting in some places as well. It's overall super great and I encourage every Hexbear to increase their step count.


  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    i know what you mean. there's something to be said just for the mental benefits of a simple activity like walking for cumulatively about 30-45 minutes a day, becoming accustomed to the sights, sounds, smells, and seasonality of a place in the intimate way of walking it. when i was WFH, i used to do a few miles several times a week but now that i have to "back to normal" i've been parking about a mile from my office in a quiet neighborhood and walking the rest. apart from a busy intersection or two, it's one of the most pleasant parts of my day.

    • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
      1 year ago

      that's a really clever move with the commute. I think it's hard for most people to justify lengthening their commute but walking/biking isn't on the same level as a driving commute, it's much more enjoyable. I'm perpetually running late tho so it'd be hard for me to do something like that I bet