• SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Ask a liberal what's happening in Yemen and why, something that's pure Western imperialist interests, and they will have no idea or blame Saudi Arabia. Ask them about China and Uyghurs and they'll repeat some vaguely internally processed narrative about genocide.

      The hypocrisy is annoying, for sure, but the effect is more directly concerning, imo. These liberals fail to oppose the much greater violence done in their name and with their tax dollars while pushing state department exaggerations that will drum up yet more violence against people in central Asia and undermine the economic success of China.

      Though leftists aren't free of this tendency either, ha. Toxic Western Trotskyists are kinda notorious for doing that second half of the equation.

      • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Liberals are not people. all knowledge position ideal is just aesthetic. What matters is position in the machine, and how well you can justify it.

        Fuck, it's why I chose my user name; I was a gifted kid, I've always been clever, but I've been homeless and walked off from partuvipation most of my life because that was never what mattered, never an asset when trying to interact honestly with neoliberal society. It was always just about how willing I was to be part of these machines, thought up by idiots, usually long dead, who just bad lots of money, and how far you'll go to justify it.

        • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Absolutely. The levers they give you are all compromised and most will only cause harm.

          Though I'd push back on dehumanizing liberals, lol. Their thought process is unfortunately very human and driven by conditions + successful self-interested mechanics of propaganda. Their actions are sociopathic, though usually not so per their own judgement. We must target them for radicalization as well as reducing their influence.

          • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Are, I've met sociopaths,and while none of the ones I've met are comrades, they're at least out for themselves, which is more than I can say for libs.

            The real questiom re: lobs is how do you get them to reclaim their humanity when they've built their entire self and 'moral' framework around justifying shit that is?

            • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
              4 years ago

              I get nervous once people start making judgement calls about who is or is not human based on anything other than genus and species. They are just as human as you, even if they make bad decisions that hurt themselves and those around them.

              • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
                4 years ago

                If it helps, I'm (usually) vegan and don't like meals that kill plants, prefer to stick to fruit and nuts when I can. 'not human' from me does not translate to 'killing this issubstantially more okay than killing me.'

                It just feels like I'm a different species than libs. In more open emotional conversations I'll usually designate myself out with a statement like 'if that's what being a person is, I'm not one, and have no wish to be.'

                • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
                  4 years ago

                  Trying to distance yourself from them like that is still a massive problem. You have to remember you have all the same emotions, impulses, and potential that they do. You are made of the same stuff, in the same composition. You simply had the right conditions occur in your life to make you a leftist, not a liberal. Once you think your different then them, better than them, you've lost solidarity with other workers. There is no difference between your essence, you don;t have a leftist soul as opposed to a liberal soul. You exist in a different way, but the same is true between you and I, and we are both leftists. You have to remember you could be just as evil and wicked as them, you are the same species with the same blood and bones, and your fate will be the same in the end, whether your spirits wither under capitalism or prosper under socialism. You are a human being, we are capable of the holocaust, and we are capable of curing polio, and the October revolution, and the moon landing. Learn to love and embrace your humanity and your fellow human beings, or you will never achieve a worker's world.

                  • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    Also, I really don't give a shit about 'workers'. People, things that can suffer not suffering pointlessly, the creation of meaning and expression, the flourishing of higher and more diverse consciousness. But workers? No fucks given.

                  • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    It's certainly not 'essential, but then neither is the difference between me and a chimp, or me and a cat. Different strings of proteins growing in different animals. I'm well aware of the awful shit I'm capable of doing.

                    It's less about setting myself apart, more about expressing how alienated and other I feel about the whole mess. How much I feel there isn't a world for me. I built myself around ideas of what's right and useful and figuring out what's good to so I can make the world better soon can be a better happier person, then built a conscience to guide me, however haphazardly and ineptly, in that. About being entirely alienated from an entrenched world of people who find a system to be a part of, any system, no matter how awful, and build their self and 'conscience' around defending that.

                    Obviously I loathe them, at least a bit; it's destructive and awful. My statements of being apart can't help but reflect that bitterness, but it's not about essential difference, it's about being isolated in a sea of creatures that want to be CHUDs, that choose it over humanity every single fucking day-i recognize they have that choice, and if I hate them, it's because of that. It's about being alone, it's about having everything I've ever tried to build crushed by unspeakably petty monsters who, even when they're friendly, literally can't comprehend the most basic concepts of decency or compassion or justice-which is really gross when you try to date and someone you were just thinking about touching reveals they literally can't register a simple concept you've just uttered, despite knowing more than enough prerequisite information, like it literally just skips out of their brain. It's about forgetting what friendship and love and comeraderie even feel like, and wondering if I ever actually knew. It's about being too jaded to even really seek human connection, because everywhere I look is just more of that. Every time I try, every stranger I see, is just more of that.

                    It's not about wishing them ill; they do plenty of that themselves. If they were so different, they would be harder to hate. It's easier to forgive a dog that bites or a cat that pisses on my lunch than a human who does the same.

            • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
              4 years ago

              Radicalization requires jostling. Personal jostling. Some people get there "on their own" by jostling themselves, but most require something that smacks them in the face.

              Many of the impetuses that would do this are outside of our control, like losing their job, losing a loved one to privatized healthcare, seeing cops beat members of the press. For those cases, we can be loud and present and available to capitalize on their politically vulnerable state. Someone who wouldn't listen to anything you had to say about cops is suddenly ready to hear about defunding and abolition or maybe even the function of mass incarceration re: American capitalism.

              The other is to do the jostling ourselves through agitation. To make the contradictions clear and obvious and to challenge them to reject the sociopathy implicit in their views that they usually cannot recognize. For example, I've had good luck radicalizing family members with frank discussions of the human consequences of imperial violence that's usually brushed under the rug. Some were mainstream libs that are now SocDems and some were SocDems that are now quasi-Marxist socialists that like Richard Wolff.

              Other forms of agitation are also invaluable. Organizing boycott campaigns like BDS, organizing protests and sit-ins, presenting principled socialist candidates that know where to stick blame for the failures of liberalism, joining pickets, etc etc. It all helps.

              • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
                4 years ago

                I'm not saying activism is useless, I'm saying that using language on libs is not a helpful form.

                And also conversation is alienating, unsatisfying.