:yes-hahaha-yes-r: :cool-zone:
edit: rioting/looting is now at 221 upvotes
Remember last year when like 65% of Americans polled supported burning the MPD third precinct?
Yeah, if all it took for change was rioting and looting, we would have broken these chains last year
You have to not stop rioting and looting until the job is actually done.
You also need some form of actual organization. I'm nowhere near a city, but I have a lot of hope that people will be more ready to organize next time around
And we got more cops in response :agony-shivering:
Americans are so cucked. And that includes me as well
Nvm it was 54% https://www.newsweek.com/54-americans-think-burning-down-minneapolis-police-precinct-was-justified-after-george-floyds-1508452
When capitalism have become so rotten that it doesn't take a theorist to recognize its contradictions.
come on hexbear we can do it let's get it higher lol. for anyone on still on :reddit-logo:
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd removed
Time to advertise a website that encourages rioting :sicko-hexbear: