Title. Need some examples of games that had lefty politics and leanings and weren't too ashamed to hide it. Platform/country of origin is irrelevant. I know about FF7's support for ecoterrorism, and even the nuance about the people caught up in the middle, and there's plenty of games that take an anti-corporate stance, but that can be easily brushed aside.

I'm specifically interested in this era as it's when games first acquired the ability to become fully immersive in their narratives with the adoption of multimedia melding into the core gameplay loop via the use of full motion video, voice acting, detailed images and so on.

Reminder: all games are political; even abstract puzzle games.

  • dnfuo [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I know about FF7’s support for ecoterrorism, and even the nuance about the people caught up in the middle

    FF7 had so much good stuff in it. There was the whole section where you explore Corel, a formerly prosperous industrial area destroyed by capitalism, then right next door is the Gold Saucer, a ridiculously saccharine theme park, built by the same company that ruined Corel, where they make you pay in their own special currency just to use a save point.

    Other than that, the closest thing I can think of on the PS1 is Abe's Oddysee? I don't really remember the storyline in a lot of detail, but I think it was vaguely anticapitalist? The Longest Journey was a PC game in that era and had fairly leftie politics too, I think.