As we all know, Roblox is garbage tier gameplay structured around psychological cues to get children to fill an endless pit with fake money bought with real money.

So I banned my kid from it. He used it a little bit socially with a few friends of his. What online or local multiplayer games should I help him to replace it with? (He's 10, so please don't recommend Diablo 4 or anything else that has quite that much gore)

He and his friends have an Xbox Series X|S at home.

Edit: keep your judgemental shit out of here. His whole social group (5 kids he knows from school) got banned on the same day. Me and the other parents are trying to be nice and replace it with better quality games so it isn't just a punishment.

Edit2: Thanks guys. I got him Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge

    9 months ago

    For everyone saying OP should let their kid play Roblox and just ban spending money... just no.

    Roblox exploits child labor for profit and they have terrible scummy business practices. If you have even marginal ethical qualms about child labor and/or capitalistic exploitation of vulnerable people, you should be keeping yourself and your family away from Roblox. In your mind they should be in the same category as multilevel marketing, crypto scams and door-to-door religion peddlers.

        9 months ago

        I actually think it's fair to call them child predators. They're exploiting kids for money instead of sexual gratification, but it's the same power dynamic. Child exploitation is their business model.

        9 months ago

        My son just turned 6 and I was thinking of looking at the game (he really likes actual Lego, and his buddies are into Minecraft and Roblox), but another parent at a bday party a few weeks back asked if we played, and then warned my that I needed to keep a close eye on it, because the suggested games algo was pushing really sketch things to his daughter.

        So I started looking and decided the shopping aspect was something I didn’t want to expose him to yet. But these revelations are making me glad we haven’t yet used it and never will.

      9 months ago

      This guy's argument would literally be that Mario maker is encouraging child labor because it doesn't pay kids who make levels in it.

        9 months ago

        Roblox sells the idea that you can actually make money with it, it has its own economy with job hunting and salaries. Mario Maker is just a community game.

      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
        9 months ago

        it would be if the word literally meant figuratively or mario maker psychologically tortured children into spending cash for the privilege

        9 months ago

        Intent makes a big difference. The value of Roblox as a platform and as a business is based on the work done by children to develop for it, and it was set up that way on purpose. They created an incentive model to encourage it.

        Nintendo's value as a company is not based on kids creating Mario Maker levels, nor does Nintendo push kids to do so with the promise of earning money.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        9 months ago

        Considering the newest Mario game got a shitload of ideas from Mario maker levels, anyone who was good at mario making enough to be creative with the formula had their labor stolen as RnD for Wonder

  • JamesConeZone [they/them]
    9 months ago

    I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

    I would just talk to your kid and listen to his feelings and wants. What does he enjoy about Roblox? Can he find that enjoyment with some other games? Does he understand that its not a punishment, e.g. it's not anything that he did and that you aren't blaming him? Sure, you can suggest a few alternatives and they might take and be fun, but you'll need to be attuned to his feelings around what he might see as a punishment for something that he did so that he doesn't internalize it and hurt the relationship you have with him.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      yeah this should be the immediate next step. The kid shouldn't feel punished. It shouldn't be a "you're not allowed because I said so." Kids can be smart and might be able to understand why Roblox is exploitative.

      At least this is a better reason to take a way a kid's video game. My parents banned me from certain games/movies because they had positive depictions of black people.

        9 months ago

        My parents banned me from certain games/movies because they had positive depictions of black people.

        Holy crap, that's nuts. Are they KKK or something?

        • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          no, just very idiosyncratic white American racists. I don't even know where they got it from. My grandparents weren't racists and my parents never listened to Rush Limbaugh or anything.

            • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
              9 months ago

              Nah, they don't watch that either. They're very detached and only watch football or movies with Humphrey Bogart. My best guess is they felt some kind of resentment their whole lives because they were always the poorest ones out of their siblings. All my aunts and uncles formed businesses or got moderately wealthy, whereas I grew up on the lower middle side of that spectrum. And that turned into standard American racism.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Minecraft seems like the obvious choice for kids who liked Roblox. Terraria is another. If they can only play on a server that one of them hosts, then no need to worry about outside users.

    Good on you and the other parents for getting that shit out of there, kids don't need addiction machines trying to pressure them into spending money.

    9 months ago

    Self hosted Minecraft server for socializing. Mod the shit out of it

    Factorio if you want your kid to have a severe addiction.

    Red Alert 2 because I want the world to play it.

    Ace Combat because it's hype and plays well with a controller.

    Bloons tower defense

    9 months ago

    To be honest, you're probably better off letting your kid play whatever game they like, including garbage like roblox or diablo 4. Just make it very clear that no money will be spent on any microtransactions whatsoever and feed them the idea that spending real money is cheating.

    9 months ago

    Minecraft / Terraria, 100%. Both games have available co-op, so they can play with their friends, and allow quite a bit of creative expression. Terraria is made by some of the best indie devs ever, if it helps, having been getting free updates for years, even though the devs said they had finished the game years ago.

    For a more socially open experience, I could also recommend Sea of Thieves. It's a game about manning a pirateship and collecting loot, where you can sometimes run into real people on their own adventures (or get your ship sunk by them, after all, they're also pirates). There is co-op, too. A cash shop is available, but all items are strictly cosmetic, with many items available through gameplay alone.

      9 months ago

      Yeah I love Terraria. I'll see if I can get his friends interested in it too. Heck I'll buy them all copies for xmas.

        9 months ago

        Idk, on Android you can run Pojav Launcher, but I don't really know much about x boxes. Probably a mistake to buy such a closed ecosystem in the first place, from the little I have heard.

  • micnd90 [he/him,any]
    9 months ago

    Pokemon? Despite many of its flaws, it encourages honest trading amongst friends, it is a classic JRPG, and has no microtransaction. You can play it on emulator if you don't have a switch

    9 months ago

    fill an endless pit with fake money bought with real money.

    Honest question, if the money is the issue, then why not let him play the free stuff and not spend money on it?

      9 months ago

      I'm crumudgeony enough to remember when buying a game was buying a game. I disliked it when mobile games slowly changed into monitization via microtransactions. Heck, I remember buying games for full price and then they got changed to ftp overnight with mtx. That kind of stuff drove me nuts and I am firmly anti-mtx. That said, I let my kid earn money he can use on mtx for cosmetics and stuff on Fortnite. But it is a dedicated pool of money for mtx, his actual money kept separate so he can buy ice cream or save for bigger purchases without worry. Roblox on the other hand, is a company that exploits children for their labor to create the games and it hires psychologists to ensure kids dump as much money into it as possible all while having no moderation. Roblox is awful. Microtransactions in children's games are harmful and exploitive. I'm letting my kid get a drip feed so he can get the little benefit from having non-stock costumes in fortnite while also having the learning experience that in games with mtx, you can never have enough - without him becoming a whale.

    9 months ago

    Besides the obvious Minecraft recommendation, maybe Terraria, Satisfactory, and if you're willing to allow it, something like Smite would be another good option for him to play with his friends.

  • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
    9 months ago

    Microtransactions aside, if you're trying to protect your kids from creeps online you're gonna have to ban every platform that supports interactions with strangers. This includes several other games you've mentioned in the comments including Minecraft.

    Personally, instead of banning it I just play it with my kids on a regular basis. There's plenty of actually decent games on Roblox and it enables game ideas that otherwise wouldn't see the light of day. My favourite is the Ikea survival game.

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
    9 months ago

    Is this what we're doing instead of actually parenting? Roblox sucks, but you know what sucks even more? Being left out of the friend group because your parent is digging their heels in on some issue they can't understand. Plus, where is the brightline for this? Would you ban your kid from playing Fortnite because of the skins? Counter strike when he's older? Clash of clans?

    You could play Roblox with him and explain what's wrong with the games. You could help build his taste to not like the games that want to charge him out the ass and let him move past Roblox on his own. You can help him learn to make games and help him learn enough to want to move to something else. Otherwise, you're just going to seem like an asshole. Because from reading this, you clearly just watched some video essay on Roblox and dug your heels in based on that.

      9 months ago

      Would you kindly fuck off? I am allowed to parent my children how I see fit. I provide him plenty of high quality games and multiple gaming systems and I want to make sure that his limited video game time is at least stimulating.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        9 months ago

        You made the correct choice getting rid of Roblox and you don't deserve to get flak for it, but

        I am allowed to parent my children how I see fit

        This is a shitty way to view the question. As someone with unique authority over the child, you are obliged to do your best at doing right be them.

        "But I am!" you say

        Then say that instead of this children-as-property shit

        • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
          9 months ago

          That's what I'm more upset about. The logic behind these decisions that has been expressed simply isn't sound parenting. This kid just got his favorite toy taken away, and while it isn't meant as punishment, it will feel like punishment. The logic expressed in the post is regurgitated out of a video essay, and makes it sound like Dad doesn't even know why he's taking it away. My situation was a little bit different, adopting someone else's kid who had an entirely different life before me, but I feel like the shock therapy of just banning it with video essay logic is weak even if they are fully your children. As someone who was on it as a kid, I don't like Roblox overall. However, I've found just teaching him why I don't like Roblox has been more effective than just pulling it away and giving a poorly thought out explanation why. Now he's come to the conclusion of the emptiness of Roblox himself, I didn't have to force it.

          Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. Giving them the information on their level and giving them choice usually pays off with kids. They can usually understand way more than we expect them to as long as we can break it down for them. It's one thing to be the weird kid who can't play Roblox because your parents don't want you to, it's another thing to be the kid who just doesn't want to play Roblox. I'm saying that this is a situation where you can have your cake and eat it too, and that's by educating your kids to make good decisions and give them ample opportunity to practice that skill.

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            9 months ago

            The marketplace of ideas tends to be a much weaker force than "what are my friends playing?" I'm all for treating kids as people, but that also means understanding that people mostly choose what lets them get on with their peers the most easily.

          9 months ago

          Why do you think I am not trying to be the best parent? Do you know my child? No? Then you don't know what is best for them. In this case, it is the best. Roblox is garbage tier games on a platform made by exploitation of children for the exploitation of children. Just because I am man enough to call that out and make the tough decisions doesn't mean people need to personally attack me for it. Dangers to our society evolve - it's like slapping a crack pipe out of the hand of a family member... just digitally.

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            9 months ago

            This is a reading comprehension issue. Look at what I said more carefully, I am implicitly supporting the idea you are trying to help your kid and telling you to argue from a standpoint of human benefit rather than sovereignty. With the rise of Christian nationalism, we're only going to see an uptick in "children are the property of the parent" style reasoning, and we should all be fighting it.

      • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        You were asking for advice, and she gave you some solid suggestions. IDK why you're getting so bent out of shape.

        Edit: Adding this article to maybe give you some more detail. Play the game with your kid and see what about it they enjoy. If you want to introduce them to better games, you'll need to have an idea about what they like.

          9 months ago

          Is this what we’re doing instead of actually parenting?

          No, that wasn't advice. That was judgemental and without cause. I am asking for game suggestions because this isn't meant as a punishment - it is meant to let the kids have an upgrade. But I guess I didn't tiptoe around everyone's overly sensitive feelings over here.

          • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
            9 months ago

            You gave absolutely no context about what kinds of things your child enjoys in video games. Go figure that out first. If you don't know that, and you're taking the game he enjoys away he's 100% going to see it as a punishment.

              9 months ago

              Thanks for presuming I don't know what my kid enjoys. Why do you have to be such a dick with the personal attacks? I am asking for advice on multiplayer games. You're being a dick. I bet you make a lot of friends that way.

      • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
        9 months ago

        You know what's more stimulating than any individual game you'll have him play? Making his own choices on what to play. And like I said, brightline, what is and isn't stimulating to you? Are shitty flash games banned for being too simple minded?

        Parenting is your kid learning from you. They're not learning why you're banning Roblox, and if you explain it to them they don't really understand. My kid is starting to not fuck with Roblox anymore because of how pay to win some of the games are. He had to do a lot of chores for those Robux and instantly wished he had the money for better things a couple days later when he wanted a plushie at the store. When I told him he could have gotten that plushie if he hadn't gotten Robux, he stopped wanting Robux. He learned the value of money, and learned to prioritize the things he wants, and coincidentally doesn't want to play Roblox like he used to. I didn't have to be the bad guy because most kids have things they want more than Robux. All I had to do was make him choose.

        Seriously, download and play Roblox with him. There are a million different games on there, you can even filter games on the site. Some of the games are actually really fucking good. Meet him where he's at, set rules so he has to play Roblox with you. You can actually monitor what he's playing and doing, while getting in some bonding time. Because your Dad playing tag or whatever dumbass things we were into as kids was way usually way cooler than playing Dad's game. You're going to be

  • Danileonis
    9 months ago

    Oh, I'm sure we're all great parents here. I applaud you for admitting a mistake and having the humility to ask for advice, both excellent parenting skills in my opinion.

    I believe the answer is always culture. Once better videogames are discovered it's likely that they will hardly go back to the bad ones (so that the problem of prohibitionism - which is only a temporary solution - can be solved).