I think I am depressed or bored or something. I'd like to play a fresh RPG, but nothing springs to mind atm (generally don't like medieval fantasy RPGs).

    • AnalGettysburg [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah play this gdang game it’s unbelievable and the strangest mix of totally vibing and check your buttocks terrifying. But like, in a cute way? Again, outer wilds. Do not play outer words by mistake (seriously wtf game corps pick a title style that doesn’t directly confuse with the other space game that came out at the same time!)

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I finished outer worlds and had an ok time. Wasn't amazing, framerate tanked a lot, but was ok. I assume the games are related.

      • PapaEmeritusIII [any]
        3 years ago

        No, they’re not remotely related. They just came out around the same time and had unfortunately similar names. Here’s the trailer for Outer Wilds
        You explore this solar system and the goal is to figure out what happened. It’s incredible

  • Owl [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Play Earthbound, it's cute and witty and a parody of the thing you're kind of tired of.

    Or in a completely different direction, I'd recommend Sunless Sea and/or Escape Velocity: Nova, two games in the "piloting a ship around and getting involved in stories when you get to a port" genre.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I assume you've played Disco Elysium.

    Greedfall was pretty good in a KOTOR/JADE EMPIRE era RPG way, and is a Shot and Pike era Fantasy RPG with a hefty helping of colonialism.

    Control isn't an RPG but is a lot of fun.

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I do actually have a greedfall save. I get the feeling I was in the midgame, but it was a while ago. I did get a lot of the colonial themes.

  • Shrek
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Yes, I still need to send the devs money, when I eventually get money.

  • Littlestinky [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I think I am depressed or bored or something.

    What you're suffering is called burnout. You need to do something else for a while, possibly a long while. Switch to a different genre or even a new hobby. You need novelty, what you're chasing is that thrill of experiencing something new. It wears off after a while. To experience novelty again, you need new experiences.

      • ChairmanAtreides [he/him]
        3 years ago

        In their defense, they're right (at least to me). Playing a ton of video games does make them a lot less fun in the short term, the struggle for me is finding something else to do rn

  • keepcarrot [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I would up pirating the latest Rimworld expansion and creating a little ML "faction" on easy mode. Having a relaxing time while waiting for the gesso to dry

  • Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]
    3 years ago

    Have you played Subnautica? If kinda in a class of it's own. Technically it's survival craft but it's mostly just exploration through some of the coolest have environments I've ever seen. With head phones and a dark room and you'll forget what dry land feels like for a while.

    if you're looking for RPGs Atom is pretty good if you like games like Wasteland 3. Also pathfinder kingmaker is great.

    • prismaTK
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, it was a little too tense for what I'm looking for atm, but I did enjoy it for a while.

      Haven't played Atom

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I think I tried DS 2 and checked out pretty much instantly. Even games I ostensibly enjoy I'm just alt-f4ing out if I lose a dude.

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      3 years ago

      Just want to reinforce this. CrossCode is very good and everyone here should play it.

        • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
          3 years ago

          I feel like meta writing is pretty common these days, but even so, CrossCode's meta take on RPG mechanics felt really fresh to me. I don't even know what about it felt so different from other games.

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    My favorite RPGs are Night in the Woods or Knights of the Old Republic 2.

    NITW is really atmospheric — great for heading into autumn — and very character driven. It's an overtly leftist game.

    KOTOR2 is the only good piece of Star Wars media, and explicitly deals with moral nuance in the light side-dark side dichotomy of the force. You'll want the restored content mod — the games was rushed and a lot of partially finished stuff got cut from the main storyline but was still published with it, so some folks pieced it back together.

    Nostalgia pick, but I also like Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest for the SNES. It's objectively not a good game, but it's straightforward and fun and easy to turn your brain off a little while playing. Full playtime for me is usually 8-10 hours so it's mainly a good way to kill a day

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      3 years ago

      You’ll want the restored content mod — the games was rushed and a lot of partially finished stuff got cut from the main storyline but was still published with it, so some folks pieced it back together.

      I honestly disagree. I don't feel like the stuff that they restored was all that important, and they added so many fights to Nar Shadaa that it honestly becomes a chore to finish

      • crime [she/her, any]
        3 years ago

        Lol fair. I love the xp that comes with it and the rest of the content is fun enough to make it extra worth it to me

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I remember KotoR2, but I always seem to leave the game at some spot. Usually when I get stuck.

      Haven't played the other two,.

      • crime [she/her, any]
        3 years ago

        Yeah I'm a shitty g*mer so I'm prone to ditching things that require skill and hand-eye coordination, so that definitely colors my recommendations. I definitely needed to abandon a KOTOR2 play through once because a bug wouldn't let me proceed with the storyline before lmao so yeah it definitely is like that sometimes

        • keepcarrot [she/her]
          3 years ago

          At that point, I use cheats to just skip the section, but sometimes that breaks other parts of the game. Or some games don't have them.

  • Tychoxii [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Tyranny i really liked. Sadly there aint much non fantasy rpg, the last one i can think of is Disco Elysium.

  • DirtbagVegan [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Is it safe to assume that you've already played :tequila-sunset: :lt-kitsuragi: ?

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Well I checked out pokemon for the first time recently and got hooked. I played Diamond on my sister's old DS and it was so refreshing to know nothing at all about a game, to go in blind, figure stuff out, read up on the wikis. Some of my friends are big pokemon nerds so they talked me through some of it. Before that I was kinda in a slump when it came to video games, only playing action games to pass the time and get some catharsis. Now I'm back in the swing of creativity, building new things on Minecraft and terraria that I've planned for ages

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I've played a couple. They're pretty cruisy and kinda what I'm looking for, but there isn't enough there for me to go back and play them again.