I love being honked at twice in the span of 10 min for not running a pedestrian over whole turning.

I also really love being honked at for someone else turning onto the road as I'm driving on it and almost hitting me.

No not sarcastic at all.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It was teslas :ohnoes: they hunger for blood :elmofire:

  • OldSoulHippie [he/him]
    3 years ago

    For some reason, people have taken to driving around with their 4 ways on and just driving like an asshole in my town. Can't even tell which way they are going cause the blinker is basically disabled.

    If I was one of those billionaire bad guys from the marvel movies that the big truck drivers love so much (based on the amount of lame ass decals they put in their back window) I'd invent a robo deer that runs out in front of assholes cars.

    I was thinking about why it is that there's never a cop around when some dick is doing 90 in a 55 while dangerously weaving in and out of traffic while not signaling. It's because they're too busy seeing my wife pull into a parking spot in town to play her Pokemon go-esque game on her phone, and harassing her for "avoiding cops"

  • livingperson2 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Had somebody almost merge into me in a turn lane, so quickly that I only escaped by swinging into the gas station next to me. They then proceeded to get pissed at me and follow me into the grocery store parking lot across the street. I skipped shopping and gtfo out before things could get any worse.

    I ride my bike a lot now, and mostly worry about getting run off the road.

  • peterpaulmontgomery [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I got cut off on the highway a couple months ago and almost got crushed between two 18 wheelers because of it. Fucking hate driving.