Evil Red Fascist totalitarian STALINIST TANKIES That read books (ewwww I know) are laughing at you and think that you can't get all your political opinions from neckbeards on twitch!!! (I'm not sure how they understand things without listening to twitch streamers opinions) and they think that you should read books!!!! Why would we Vaushists need to read books!!!!!! THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE PICTURES, THE ABSURDITY!!!!!! Books are for ewwww gross nerds that think about their opinions and have a real understanding of the world based on a Marxist analysis, but we don't need this, WHY SHOULD WE VAUSHISTS READ THEORY'S???? READING CORRUPTS THE MIND!!!!!!! Reading is bad for your health and WATCHING TWITCH STREAMERS RAMBLE ABOUT THINGS (they themselves have not read about or have an understanding of) IS THEORY STUPID TANKIES!!!!!!! Reading books is bad not understanding anything and pretending you do is the way forward, IT IS SUPER HARD TO CALL YOURSELF A MARXIST AND KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS so us as super intellectual Vaushists have adopted the immortal science of $/ANARCHO-MARXIST-MARKET-SOCILISM-LIBERALISM-CIA PROPIGANDAISM WITH JOE BIDEN CHARECHTERISTICS* what does this mean? I don't know I don't read GROSS DISGUSTING BOOKS WHO NEEDS TO READ BOOKS? Books are bad!!!!! Why should tankies tell you to READ WHERE IS THE TWICH CHAT ON A BOOK I CANT FIND IT HELLP why should we read when it isn't a picture book? Checkmate tankies, what if the books have words?? WHAT DO WE DO????? I TRIED LOOKING AT THE BIG BOOK WRITTEN BY CARL MARK BUT IT HAD NO PICTURES HEEEELLLLLLPPPP WHAT DO THESE WORDS MEAN I FORGOT HOW TO READ HOW DO I READ reading is for big boys that don't shit themselves every time they see a book, why should we VAUSHISTS read a book??? READING IS FOR PEOPLE THAT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT AND THAT VIOLATES ONE OF THE CORE PRINCIPLES OF VAUSHISM WITH ILLITERATE CHARACTERISTICS serious so hard to read which is why we should just call ourself marksists and not read anything!!!!! It is so much easier!!!! WHY READ CONQUEST OF BREAD WHEN I DON'T WANT MY BREAD CONCORD???? Why should we read das-capital when it sounds hard? **WHY SHOULD WE READ LEMIN WHEN I DONT LIKE LEMINS? Who's laughing Now mr tank? CHECKMATE TANKIE READING IS FOR NERDS I'M NOT A NERD I'M A SUPER COOL VAUSHIST, WHO NEEDS CARL MARK?
PS: the only good theory is Harry Potter, it is critical to understand Vaushism
PSS, did I say reading? I meant Glancing at the Wikipedia page I heard it had pictures!!!
Why reading is bad, by anprim gang