Jonas Dressler from the GNOME project, who develops the GNOME Shell edition for mobile devices, has published developments that allow you to run the Aliendalvik environment (AppSupport) in regular Linux distributions. Aliendalvik is a layer for the Sailfish mobile platform that provides the launch of applications written for the Android platform. During the reverse engineering of Aliendalvik, patches for the Mutter composite server, scripts and bindings over the sound server and input system necessary to run Aliendalvik outside the Sailfish platform environment were prepared.

      9 months ago

      did you read the article?

      I’m convinced though that if we want Linux on phones to become an option for everyone, there’s no way around the need for well-integrated support for Android apps

      I’ve documented the reverse engineering work on this Github repo, including a very rough step-by-step manual of how to run things.