Am I a bad leftist?

  • spacecadet [he/him]
    3 years ago

    How have you been playing through it?

    I've been solely sticking to the left most island but it seems like there is only one "hideout" there that you can build shit in, and I already built a cantina and fishing hut and it seems they cannot be removed.

    Also what guns you like?

    • nicklewound [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I'm on the left most Island as well. I think each region has a camp to build in, but I haven't been to those and I haven't even tried to remove facilities. No idea how to do that. Seems shitty if you can't though. I built a Hideout Network and Bandidos Barracks in my camp.

      And I'm loving popping heads with the .308 and there's a "resolver" weapon that's a fucking hand cannon and shield that are fun. Plus the backpack that fires fucking rockets is rad. Haha. I feel like a badass every time I pop that son of a bitch off.

      • nicklewound [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I heard there's a Mosin–Nagant in the game and I want it. I have that IRL and I love that gun.

        The Nazi killer.