Chapochat is hexbear. c/chapotraphouse is main. main is closed. c/hexbear is about developing hexbear, nothing else. main is closed. c/feedback is for feedback about the site, unless it pertains to something that would go in c/userunion, which is for complaining and voooting on what the site is except when it was named hexbear instead of chapochat. main is closed. discussion of the podcast goes in c/podcasts or in c/chapotraphouse. c/askchapo is for asking questions, but not about the site, that goes in c/feedback. also, main is closed
reminder: being vegan means doing everything you can to oppose animal exploitation, if you really can't avoid some animal products (which is much, much rarer than carnists would like you to believe) you can still do everything else in your power to stop the ongoing genocide of our non-human comrades. Also, half the vegans I know have an eating disorder and going vegan has helped them manage it better
:bonk: you're doing the thing :bonk:
being right? Sorry, forgot hexbear carnists can't bear it
:bonk: I'm not engaging
pure, undiluted liberalism
I know hella ppl who can’t be vegan because if eating disorders and i know a lot of vegans who will tell you that ever having a drop of honey is shamed. Shaming ppls eating habits who already struggle with eating somehow doesn’t help.
and do they still wear leather? Use cosmetics tested on animals?
“Cosmetics tested on animals.” You know most companies lie about this info & then hide it only for it to come out a decade later they were using it on animals. I don’t usually ask peoples cosmetic brand choices.
so because it's hard you don't bother? You completely sidestepped my question, do those people use their disability as an excuse not to do anything or do they do what they can with the cards they've been delt?
I answered the question you asked. Now you just asked a new question which I pretty much addressed in my previous answer. I don’t tend to ask those sorts of questions.
But I have met some strict vegans who never eat meat, but did buy some leather shoes because they really liked them. Did they lose their vegan card when they did that?
Nope you didn't.
Yes. You can't be a feminist or an anti-racist only when convenient either. If you knew some chocolate uses slave labour, would you still buy it because some brands say they don't use any but still do? Even if it's cheaper to buy the one claiming non-slave labour?
Purity testing always ends so well.
I don’t expect people to do research on every product they buy and know exactly how it was sourced. And only purchase products claiming to be ethically sourced because no product is ethically sourced under Capitalism.
This is the you can change the world with your wallet doctrine. And it’s liberalism.
Encouraging people to tend to local gardens and organize people around locally sourced food is a way to actually change our relationship to the products we consume, but just bullying people for going to target instead of Amazon does nothing and really makes no difference in the world.
Anti-racism and feminism is an ongoing theory that’s constantly evolving and people are going to make mistakes and learn from them. If we purity tested people about how good of a feminist someone is or has been in their life we would end up getting nowhere. This is part of binary thinking that so many are attached to.
Veganism is the moral baseline, the absolute minimum. You're such a liberal that you can't even do that nor imagine more radical, wide-reaching actions and thus mistake that minimum for purity testing