I cannot imagine why this might be. Isn't the USA the richest country on the planet?? You'd think spending all that money would get you something, right??

(health care spending per capita on the left, life expectancy on the right)

  • qublic69 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Also this data seems important: https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-expenditures-vary-across-population/?_sf_s=How+Do+Health+Expenditures+Vary+Across+the+Population#item-whites-have-higher-health-spending-in-most-age-categories-than-people-in-other-groups_2016

    Some observations:
    Blacks end up spending less until 45 years old, when they suddenly start spending more than both Asians and Hispanics. (consistent with the ACEs thing, just saying)
    Whites aged under 19 spend about the same as non-Whites aged 35 to 45.

    White people spend the most so it does not make any possible sense to blame non-Whites for high average health costs. (or what, reverse-racism confirmed?)

    Overall healthcare spending is very skewed, if you look at the rest of that page...

    Worth nothing that 89% saying they are in at least good health doesn't mean much in a study like this; because really bad health is usually a transient thing (because you get better, or you die, or you have a chronic condition in the remaining 11%), so it doesn't mean they are well served by the healthcare system.

    Is worth noting that doctors will often run extra even unnecessary diagnostics and such if they expect you can afford it.
    Much of old people spending more is not just that they get sick, but that they have a juicy retirement fund.