Bitch, $864 a MONTH won't pay my rent. Also, if free drinks cost you $864 a year, you're either overpaying for for soda fountain, or that's an absolutely absurd amount of free drinks. Soda fountains print money...
Bitch, $864 a MONTH won't pay my rent. Also, if free drinks cost you $864 a year, you're either overpaying for for soda fountain, or that's an absolutely absurd amount of free drinks. Soda fountains print money...
$2.36 per day is going to sink this business
I mean, that's totally understandable, even the most successful businesses in America are only a few dollars per year off from bankruptcy and thousands of job losses, that's why we can't raise the minimum wage something something subsidize bla bla bla basic economics
If I didn’t squeeze your labor, I’d have to squeeze my profits. Understand now, commie?
"Sure, I decided to stockpile on all the armor because I NEEED STUFFF! But let's have our squishy wizard take all the hits. Better him than me, right?"