Mapping ideas/opinions on a left-to-right spectrum is meaningless for two reasons (probably more, idk)

  1. It implies that there are two valid schools of thought to pull from, and completely ignores the objective reality of things. I have never heard a "right wing" idea that has any substance, of any kind. People, centrist or all over the "spectrum," tend to view "nuance" as a good thing, regarding their political, economic, philosophical, etc. ideas. "A little bit of sweet, a little bit of savory," "a little bit of chocolate, a little bit of peanut butter," "a little bit country, a little bit rock n' roll," "a little bit of right, a little bit of left," etc., when in reality, it's more akin to "a little bit of cake batter, a little bit of rat poison." Capitalism is either bad, or it's not bad, and sprinkling "a little bit of capitalism" into your socialism feels like having just a dash of gunpowder in your cereal.

  2. In a sort of ironic way, trying to find "nuance" with your beliefs and finding a gray area among both sides of the spectrum oversimplifies the truth of things. One can't have a discussion about one's beliefs by marking themselves on a left-right spectrum (nor can they do it by marking themselves on a political compass, or some sort of political cube, or with the "9 axes," or whatever). Any discussion turns into a "red vs blue" scenario, with people in the middle shouting "woah there buddy, we can't go THAT far," or "can't we all just get along??" when the meaningful discourses that should be had end up getting swept under the rug, and the conversation dissolves into a battle of talking points over truth. Communism isn't a "left-wing" ideology, it's a method of governing society by means of serving the needs of humanity rather than prioritizing profit over the lives of people. Trying to frame the conversations as "capitalists vs socialists," "anarchists vs tankies," "subs vs dubs," and anyone trying to find some "happy medium" eliminates any sort of ability to convince people of the truth. When the reality of the issues is "right vs wrong," trying to validate both sides and allowing for a middle ground only bends the truth into a "conversation."

We aren't "the left," we're just like,,, objectively correct.

This probably isn't a new take, idk, I have ADHD, I struggle reading.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Meh, right sees capitalist rot and goes we should return to monke, left goes we should transcend further. Both are kinda temporal views, red vs blue is on “social” axis so to say, they still want capitalism