Watch the Disney Pixar Lightyear movie trailer The sci-fi action-adventure presents the definitive origin story of Disney Buzz Lightyear—the hero who inspire...
"Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" was the BL Saturday morning cartoon in the Pixarverse that also aired on actual television. THIS is the movie that inspired the toy AND the cartoon. It's a movie about the guy who inspired the toy who stars in another real movie.
Wait so Buzz Lightyear is actually a real dude out in space in the Toy Story canon and all the merch and shit is for a real guy? Like Ozymandias from Watchmen or Awesome X from Frisky Dingo?
For real, if they had made this in the 90s kid me would have been hype. As an aside they kinda setbevery kid who saw the movie and got a Buzz Lightyear toy up for dissapointment since it's hyped as the coolest toy ever in the movie.
"Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" was the BL Saturday morning cartoon in the Pixarverse that also aired on actual television. THIS is the movie that inspired the toy AND the cartoon. It's a movie about the guy who inspired the toy who stars in another real movie.
It's some kind of crappy creative wormhole.
Wait so Buzz Lightyear is actually a real dude out in space in the Toy Story canon and all the merch and shit is for a real guy? Like Ozymandias from Watchmen or Awesome X from Frisky Dingo?
I think it's more like the in-universe movie that spawned the BL franchise.
For real, if they had made this in the 90s kid me would have been hype. As an aside they kinda setbevery kid who saw the movie and got a Buzz Lightyear toy up for dissapointment since it's hyped as the coolest toy ever in the movie.