I'll start: it wasn't too long ago that one wasn't expected to pay out of one's coked up nose for programs (apps). One used to be able to buy a thing and then own the thing. Vacuum cleaners. Video games. Photoshops. Now one has to sign up for it, enter one's credit card info and fucking pay monthly for some harebrained "service."

And I blame all of you. Probably 9/10ths of you are on apple products and/or are locked into absolutely insane digital ecosystems and you all laid down and took it. All of you fucking libs. You took it, you normalized it, and fuck all of you.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    And yet someone has done it, just not on the mainstream streaming apps. Classical is small and yes dominated by Andre Rieu and bad Puccini operas (Puccini sucks and I will die on this hill.) but it's still a niche with hundreds of millions of regular listeners worldwide. And they skew rich, buy and listen to a LOT of music and obsess over their FLAC codecs and their Barenreiter urtext sheet music.

    As for Jazz, it can be plenty hard to search if you're not just looking for Song/Artist. Try comparing the evolution over time of a particular Jazz players performance practice of the same piece using Google. Just as hard as finding the Mozart Arrangement of Handel's Acis and Galatea by Harnoncourt.

    It's amazing that Apple, a group who's petty cash draw is bigger than the GDP of a mid-sized country, and Google, who's job is literally to solve difficult search problems, and is currently trying to solve death as a side gig, couldn't be bothered to throw a few million at this as a lark.