• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Unlikely to change in the near future. English has a lot of momentum with a lot of people around the world being proficient in it, and it's also relatively easy to learn. I do expect that as China becomes increasingly more important partner for countries around the world, we'll see the use of Mandarin increase. More countries are going to start offering Mandarin as an option in schools, and students will want to learn it because it will open up opportunities for them.

    We might see a bifurcation between the West and the Global South here as well. I imagine countries that remain under US vassalage will continue to favor English, while the rest of the world will move on.

    • HaSch@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      Many learners have trouble with English pronunciation if they come from rhotic languages or don't know the TH sound, and it has a number of difficult constructions which you need to internalise. In parts of the global south, it might be replaced by Spandarin, which would be Spanish with Mandarin grammar

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        Every language has some aspects that are tricky and require memorization though. In my experience, English was easier to learn than other languages I know. I do think that the more important factor will be how useful learning the language is for people. If the global south ends up partnering more with China, which is what we see happening, then Mandarin will be the more important language there.

      • sevenapples@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        Isn't Mandarin harder to pronounce, since it's a tonal language?

        Spandarin, which would be Spanish with Mandarin grammar

        I don't see how this benefits Spanish or Mandarin speakers

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      We might see a bifurcation between the West and the Global South here as well.

      Won't happen, and it'd be bad if it did
      Global South has 8 billion people (and rising) while the West has barely 1

      literally all you have to do is nothing, and assuming 100% English proficiency and worldwide communication, the voices of the former will drown out and/or convert the voices of the latter

      THE FIREWALL (of english non-fluency) IS FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION

      in other words: IMPEACH THIS

    • jlyws123@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      I don't think there will be another international language, because AI translation develops rapidly.In fifteen years, we will be able to chat like in Star Trek

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I wouldn't be too surprised if English will end up a bit like Latin did, being used as an international language long after the empire that made it the dominant language has disappeared. The reason people wants to learn English is that so many other people speak it, there's a lot of inertia to those kind of things.

  • الأرض ستبقى عربية@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Language plays an important role in who we are. English's status as the current international language results in giving its native speakers a cultural edge over the rest of the world. I don't see it as a good thing, it is harmful to people who are sometimes mislead into thinking that English is therefore a superior language, and Anglo culture is to be emulated. Which is why I am happy that Saudi Arabia is introducing Standard Mandarin education, and also with the spread of Chinese culture and media. The existence of an alternative international language can go a long way towards removing the fake shine of English. It is just another human language that got lucky through historical circumstances.

  • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    I wish we could replace it with a truly international interlang, something as easy as toki pona. Globasa looked decent the last time I checked. But any proposal there needs adoption by at least one country as a second language.

    But for now, practically, English Mandarin and Spanish will let you communicate with the majority of the world.

  • Vampire [any]
    9 months ago

    I had some thoughts on it here and here.

    "Nobody cares enough to read your back-catalogue Vampire"

    Oh ok, I think it sucks. It's indisputably a result of Anglo-American imperialism.

    Having said that, politics is practical and real. I do get kinda upset about the fact that the world is the way it is (first post linked), but facts don't care about my feelings, we have to deal with practical politics and accomplish accomplishable things. The status of English isn't going soon.

  • lorty@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    If wasn't a tool of imperialist oppression and was more open to incorporating foreign words, it might actually be fine. But I'm no linguist, so perhaps there's a better option for a universal second language.

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      If wasn't a tool of imperialist oppression and was more open to incorporating foreign words

      The more Global Southerners speak this, the less this becomes true

      Everyone must learn English (as a second language)


  • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    Utterly and unfathomably based and the only thing I'd prefer is if Mandarin phased it out in the future

    French and German can suck my dick, useless languages that nobody in the 3rd world should ever learn
    French should be deleted overnight from every African country and replaced with English

    more POC speaking English increases revolutionary thought as they inevitably get exposed to anti-cracker-aktion hypocrisy and tantrums

    3rd world citizens speaking English makes 3rd worldist communication, cooperation, and JDPON even remotely possible

    POC need to (and inevitably will) colonize the English language and mass vandalize Wiggapedia
    Every species name in taxonomy needs to be renamed from english/greek to its actual Indigenous name that's been in use for 2000+ years, instead of "Parlomantotremius xylospongiumidae", or some rich brit who had the time to vacation there 150 years ago -- WE WILL HAVE 1 BILLION MOUNT DENALIS

    English is already heavily influenced, maybe even disproportionately, by Black American culture

    English-as-a-global-language is why youtube comments don't completely suck shit, it's because Non-White people actually comment on youtube (but not reddit)

    Global English-fluency would (and is in the process of) ABSOLUTELY CRUSHING the stranglehold that white anglos have on media and pop culture

    A one-world-second-language preserves language diversity because it's easy to be bilingual, and so languages like Wolof and Pitjantjatjara and Cherokee actually have a shot at surviving as native languages (I'm fluidly bilingual in a non-European language despite being born in the US and never even actively trying to learn it)

    It will always be infinitely amusing that people from 3rd world countries speak better English than half the population of actual England, if oi do say so me self maw

    • sevenapples@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      French and German can suck my dick, useless languages that nobody in the 3rd world should ever learn

      French should be deleted overnight from every African country and replaced with English

      These points are only true because English is the current international language instead of French, German, or whatever. It doesn't say anything about the quality of English, German or French as languages (if you can speak of such a thing). I hope you realize this instead of regurgitating the "French bad amirite" meme from reddit. I don't even like French that much, just tired seeing the same joke over and over.

    • medium_adult_son [he/him]
      9 months ago

      The powers that be recently decided to change the common names of birds to descriptions instead of names. Thick-billed Longspur instead of McCown's Longspur as one example of the many birds named after confederate fucking generals.

      They agreed the names made it hard to identify the actual species based on appearance, plus the amount of species named after terrible racists (Audubon included) was incredibly high.

      I'd rather we use the indigenous name for the birds, but removing references to colonizers from their names is a good start.

    • BovineUniversity
      9 months ago

      Utterly and unfathomably based and the only thing I'd prefer is if Mandarin phased it out in the future

      Chinese is a stupid language, if English gets phased out it needs to be replaced by something with an actual alphabet

  • KrupskayaPraxis@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    I think it's not good. I made a post about this as well, and my feeling is that English as the main language strengthens the American hegemony and gives them a heads up to the rest of the world. It's hard spreading communism when people consume a lot of American media, since English is the only foreign language they know.

  • kredditacc@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Lingua Franca comes and goes, faster than anyone realizes, and faster than anyone in this thread realizes.

  • xor [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    while the reasons throughout history suck... it's too entrenched and too late to try to make the world learn some other second language together...
    besides, it's definitely the best language for rap

    • Vampire [any]
      9 months ago

      guessing you haven't heard rap in many languages

  • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    I would love it if one of a conlang could make it as a lingua franca, but really it is what it is right now. We need some form of lingua franca to effectively communicate, and English has deeply embedded itself in fields that easily cross borders, like aviation and programming. Changes would take a substantial effort, or some sort of paradigm shift that renders all of this old English content to not be needed.

    • relay@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      There have been many universal languages that change with the times over centuries. It's never been a conlang though. That could happen theoretically if the internet meme culture could somehow propagandize people to learn new languages. It be funny if everyone had international business meetings in Toki Pona.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Unfortunate but it's the reality we live in with no signs of changing any time soon. On a long enough timescale the language of the next economic hegemon (almost certainly china) would supersede it but the climate apocalypse will come first.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    I don’t think there should be a predominant language on Earth. Ideally everyone would be able to speak the same universal language but that would destroy so many languages and jokes specific to certain languages. And inevitably if there was a SINGULAR UNIVERSAL language, people would still study the “dead” languages. As we do with Latin.