Volcel Police having a (lonely) orgasm right now

  • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
    3 years ago

    No one said that, and dismissing any concern people have as "copaganda" is bullshit.

    • Three_Magpies [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I’m saying the concern might be felt honestly, but why does the person feel that way?

      Did they have a bad experience on public transit, or maybe they had several bad experiences that drove them away? Sometimes. Mostly, the people who tell me how bad the public transit are people who haven’t taken it in years.

      Around here, only poor / lower income workers take public transit. I’m told about the most heinous shit that I never see in all my days of riding by the people who wouldn’t take a bus as a last resort. For these reasons, I feel that the concern over public transit is a way of disciplining poor people and calling them criminals.