"It's a classic Will-less episode that kind of goes all over the place as we review the speakers list for this week's RNC. We talk about like, cars and tort reform a bunch, as well as a rising star in Republican politics.

We'll be covering the RNC all week on Twitch from 9-11pm E.S.T. over on www.twitch.tv/chapotraphouse"

  • grillpilled [he/him]
    4 years ago

    What you talkin about "Will-less"?

    I want to defend Will because ppl complain about him almost as much as they do about Amber and it seems like nonsense to me (I also appreciate Amber).

    Will is an amazing host/leader/Johnny Carson/moderator and also the most well-rounded for the normal content stuff that the other chapos do. He can do everything and none of the other chapos can do everything. Other chapos are minmaxed, but Will has perfect stats. I also love his voice. It always sounds like he's holding back laughter, and it's good to have someone other than Amber who has a non-nerd voice.

    If you listen to any chapo host on their own, like a Felix only This Is Sus or a Cushvlog, it's something very different from chapo. I love them, and Cushvlogs are one of my favourite things ever, but Will can be chapo all on his own. When he's a guest on another podcast, it becomes chapo.

    Will is very funny, very smart, very based, seems very nice, and warms my heart tbh. If I had to live on a space station with a chapo, it would be Will.

    It's embarrassing to say any of this stuff, but I feel like I need to defend Will's honour for some reason. I think that people complaining about Will is a symptom of people wanting heroes and also wanting to rank things in a consumerist cope way. People thinking that they have to choose the best chapo and insult the other chapos to prove how strongly they feel about their perfect choice of the best chapo. These people need to grill the hell out. All of the chapos are in the top 1% of podcasters, they work great together, and they don't need to be ranked. They're making dentist money, yeah, but these are actual people who aren't doing anything harmful and even their fans are shitting on whoever happens to be their least favourite co-host. Will is great. They're all great. They don't need to be ranked. I'm really worried that Will will see people saying this stuff and take it seriously, even though the people who are saying it are fans of the pod and do enjoy Will. I don't think that Will would take it seriously, but Virgil supposedly left for a while because he was depressed about Bernie losing, and we probably didn't think he would be that vulnerable either.

    It seems like people think that the justification for complaining about Will is that he was nice to Matt Taibbi on the bad blue lives matter episode. The chapos are all nice to guests as a rule. They've tried fighting with guests before (tradcath guy, David Cross) and it was awful, and they didn't like getting gotcha'd on that show that they went on, and they've all been very good to guests since then. We know Will doesn't actually like the police, and he's said all the right BLM stuff about the police before and after that show. He is just a good host, and he got enough out of Matt Taibbi that Matt Taibbi can be cancelled, if that's what you want.

    I feel like I'm defending a member of a boy band here and it's cringe.

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      4 years ago

      when will is gone, the other hosts get really weird and ranty. The intitial rant about felix's wife -> learning to drive stick ->felix's wife who has a stick car -> bitchin camaro felt like it was made specifically for me. Just absolute chaos.