Here I am a thrashing hog adrift in the whorls or the wind. There I am a gilded carcass writhing invisibly with power from the dark age of Hexnology. In the pursuit of posting power, I ventured here and have been reborn in the :doomjak: to ignite the :bloomer:. Don't get me wrong, I don't count myself among the Posting Fedayyin of this place, and doubt I'm well-known.

But when I go back out to the lib/chud infested sections of internet, I might as well be Dr Manhattan. All of the things they say just seem so childish and impotent now, more the hissing leak of pressurized helplessness escaping from ruptured egos than anything approaching a well-considered opinion. Some CIA documents here, bit of Socratic method there, a little spritz of bullying as needed, bam.

I cannot adequately put into words the power of understanding how social interaction actually works and not the wheedly "teacher teacher" bullshit Sorkin mentality that defines modern liberal "politics" and all the culture downstream of it.

Conversely, this place is a communist sci-fi experimentation pod, out of which emerge terrifyingly augmented Deus Ex-style lefty shitposters.