I recently started doing xtra squats because I want the thicc, for reasons
So I did some squats according to advice on the internet (check for butt wink, activate glutes first, intra-abdominal pressure), like 3 sets of 12, but then I almost passed out (not an exaggeration) from either a lack of oxygen from holding my breath every rep to maintain the pressure, or just using muscles in my lower body ive never targeted before.
Is it normal to come close to passing out every rep in the 3rd set or should I be doing something differently?
Also anyone who has the thicc feel free to tell how to get the thicc plz
from either a lack of oxygen from holding my breath every rep to maintain the pressure,
Don't do this, especially on long sets (12 reps is a very long set for squats). Take a break and reset your breath in the middle of the set, even after every rep if you have to.
yeah, sorry , you are doing something wrong. likely too much weight. I'd plug /r/bodyweightfitness as a good source. I've been doing it for years. But /r/gainit might be more what you are looking for
exercise is a celebration of what your body can do; not a punishment
I know alot of people here are saying that this is abnormal, but I absolutely disagree. If you have not lifted before you will feel dizzy doing heavy leg days. When I started there were days I would almost pass out. But I would just lay down and breath and it would pass. While not ideal, this is ok. What is happening is that your entire body is being fired for squats in a way that it is not used to. The solution is to lower your weight and reps, take longer breaks, and then substitute other leg exercises that fire different parts of the squat, but not the full thing (i.e. calf raises, lunges, lower abs, etc.). This stuff will pass though, may take a couple months of consistent weekly leg days to get through, but you CAN do it.
I love squats. But here's how I first got my thicc:
Grow up poor
Buy bike for main mode of transport
Luckily live in small college town, then a city with decent bike culture/ infrastructure
Bike to campus
Bike to work
Bike home
Bike to the gym
Bike to the store
Bike to the bar to play Magic and board games
Bike to your friend's house
Bike home
Rinse and repeat. For 15ish years in my case.
pick a reputable program and stick with it for 6 months.
Right here OP, pick a program and buy or download the material and follow it exactly. A lot of work has been done to find the most efficient way to exercise and achieve your goals relatively quickly. There are different programs for different goals, but you'll probably want to do something beginner oriented for around 6 months to build up your base strength.
Working out without a program is like doing a praxis without studying theory. You're gonna be a whole lot more effective if you do your homework.
When I first started squatting and pushing hard by the end of my sets I would be breathing HARD and whilst not almost passing out I felt the whole body fatigue. A few times I got close to my limit. If you are barbell squatting you should be taking in a huge breath and pushing it down into and tightening you core with everything you have to support and lock your core and back for that squat. Take the breath, do the squat and come back up, breathe out, take another huge breath and repeat.if you have to just hold the bar and take a few breaths before your big one for the next squat. If I have to take more than one or two breaths between squats I know I am near my limit and that's when you have to really pay attention and judge if you feel comfortable doing another or ending that set. Better safe than sorry.
If you are doing squats right your core will get almost as big of a workout as the legs. Using all those muscles to their max is not an easy thing. It's pushes you. And it tires you. That's kind of the point. But if you are legit about to pass out then maybe back it off a little. You will get there in time.
either a lack of oxygen from holding my breath every rep to maintain the pressure
While you've got to keep your belt tight while squatting, you don't have to 100% hold your breath. You can make a tiny opening in your lips and force a high-pressure stream of air out, and that way breathe a little bit but still keep pressure in the middle.