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    • yeahhhhhhhhhboiii [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      So sorry to hear about the eviction. Do you have a backup plan? Someone to bunk with?

      Maybe you could think of revenge instead of just resistance to frame your world view. Take back what belongs to all of humanity etc. It is precisely because they will always find another group to oppress that you should stop the cycle where it is, for the greater good of all people of the future. EDIT: please don't take this as a prompt to do something drastic! I'm not going to advocate for real life revenge, especially not on an online message board.

      Understand that you despair because you want things to be better, which is always a good thing. Once you have become stoic and unfeeling, you have definitely fallen into the deep end, and it will be difficult to get out.

      This may seem like very silly advice, but maybe try and connect to the real world (via organisations and mutual aid groups, or just friends and family), and completely log off? I believe that the internet is very good at providing negative news, and our monke brains are very good at emphasising everything negative. It makes it seem like everything is shit, was shit, and always will be shit, everywhere. This defeatism is not useful, and works in the favour of the establishment. So for your mental health, try and leave the internet's doom filled pages. I'm sure you have plenty of negatives in your real life, and you don't need to add to it.

      And maybe to add some real world examples of triumphing in the face of adversity, have a look at this video of the PRC winning against the ROC:

      It's very based, and brings a smile to my face every time.

      Feel free to DM if you want to rant etc. I really hope that my messages aren't patronising, I don't mean it that way.