Knowing how to speak a language flawlessly is a sign of intelligence based on popular fiction and literally nothing else
Also ironic from Bette Midler who speaks French like a duck trying to swallow ice.
The only thing speaking a language fluently tells you about a person is that they live in an environment where that language is spoken a lot.
It's a sign of intelligence in the same way fancy higher education is a sign of intelligence.
Ok so I guess, like, most of us non anglos are basically automatically smarter.
I'm trilingual!
I don't have a point I just wanted to feel special :)
quadrilingual. just waiting for some quintilingual nerd to go and ruin my party.
Let's just leave it at English and 2 languages from my home country.
I'd love to reveal more, but I'm afraid that it would dox me.
Ah. I speak all the white ones so French and German and then weaboo Japanese
[to the tune of "Beaches"]
did you ever knoooooooow that you're a racist
and you should just shut your fucking faceI think all American racists, whether of the lib or chud variety, could unite in saying that the UK doesn't count, especially "way back then."
we can criticize her without misogny, xenophobia, or shaming her work history
Shaming someones work history is completely acceptable, but not in this case. If she had worked for some ghoulish management consulting company or designed drones it would be a different story.