Like yeah sure I want to go outside and be looked at by 100s of strangers and do all of nothing in my shit failing city yeah

Maybe I can go to to the shoreline of the lake so polluted that it gives people hives after they go into it for too long or maybe I can sit and oggle the homeless people and watch cops harass them or maybe I can spend like 80 bucks that I dont have on shit I dint need on the remains of a torn down mall or eat food that's addictive and slowly killing me. Maybe I could be forced to rise a bike in the fucking thin ass shitty roads and fuckinf die because it's literally illegal to ride in the sidewalks also it's impossibleto go to one side of the town without a car because it's illegal to ride a bike on the road that connects the two parts

Or maybe I can get arrested for being in the river that's only allowed to be sailed upon for some reason

Or maybe I can go to the "bad side" of town and step in broken glass and dog shit

Or better yet, I can go to the "good side" of town and have rocks and slurs thrown at me if I wear a floral patterned jacket

City life fucking sucks

I miss living in the countryside but I dont miss the shit internet speeds lol