• fuzzy
    6 months ago

    why'd he do that

  • miz@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    Men vanish from earth leaving behind them the furrows they have ploughed. I see the furrow Lenin left sown with the unshatterable seed of a new life for mankind, and cast deep below the rolling tides of storm and lightning, mighty crops for the ages to reap.

    —Helen Keller, The Spirit of Lenin

  • wombat [none/use name]
    6 months ago


    Lenin walks around the world.
    Frontiers cannot bar him.
    Neither barracks nor barricades impede.
    Nor does barbed wire scar him.

    Lenin walks around the world.
    Black, brown, and white receive him.
    Language is no barrier.
    The strangest tongues believe him.

    Lenin walks around the world.
    The sun sets like a scar.
    Between the darkness and the dawn
    There rises a red star.

    -Langston Hughes

    • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      I actually read that as a Poem in HS. We had to recite a sonnet (I think) for some State-wide competition. And I read America by Claude McKay for my class when they had the qualifers. I may hate PatSoc personally personally but I love that poem. It’s about how evil and cruel America was to Black people but Claude McKay still wanted to hold out for a better future and love America. Keep in mind I was a lib back then and under a Trump presidency I felt that. I loved the USA and was very patriotic despite my hatred of Truml. When I won best in class, I was told to choose a similar but different poem. I chose this Lenin poem, and I had to perform it in front of some stuffy assholes and of course they didn’t want a poem about Lenin. So for a few months I was a bit sad that I did my best in the recital and didn’t even qualify for State, but over time I realized it was less about my recital and a LOT more about the content of the poem. It’s a shame that they do that to people who are clearly interested in poetry in an age where that’s far from commonplace smh

  • albigu@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    Wonder if AES countries are doing anything cool to honour him. Haven't heard about anything being planned.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    6 months ago


    Lenin walks around the world.

    Frontiers cannot bar him.

    Neither barracks nor barricades impede.

    Nor does barbed wire scar him.

    Lenin walks around the world.

    Black, brown, and white receive him.

    Language is no barrier.

    The strangest tongues believe him.

    Lenin walks around the world.

    The sun sets like a scar.

    Between the darkness and the dawn

    There rises a red star.

    • LeninsBeard [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Ballads of Lenin

      Comrade Lenin of Russia,
      High in a marble tomb,
      Move over, Comrade Lenin,
      And give me room.

      I am Ivan, the peasant,
      Boots all muddy with soil.
      I fought with you, Comrade Lenin.
      Now I have finished my toil.

      Comrade Lenin of Russia,
      Alive in a marble tomb,
      Move over, Comrade Lenin,
      And make me room.

      I am Chico, the Negro,
      Cutting cane in the sun.
      I lived for you, Comrade Lenin.
      Now my work is done.

      Comrade Lenin of Russia,
      Honored in a marble tomb,
      Move over, Comrade Lenin,
      And leave me room.

      I am Chang from the foundries
      On strike in the streets of Shanghai.
      For the sake of the Revolution
      I fight, I starve, I die.

      Comrade Lenin of Russia
      Speaks from the marble tomb:
      On guard with the workers forever —
      The world is our room!

    • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      To everyone who has not read Why Socialism by Einstein, this is your sign to read it rn, it’s a spectacular beginner level text to understand why Socialism is Humanity’s inevitable next step in development! It really solidified my path down Leftism, once I realized it wasn’t some crackpot conspiracy/ insane theory, that it was backed up by like the Smartest man in the past century with very easy to understand points and justifications