50 series cards sell for 80-150 dollars usually :yea:
Nvidia and AMD must be printing money lol :brrrrrrrrrrrr: :stonks-up:
If I had bought bitcoin back when I first found out about it I could have funded the revolution
No shit right?! I remember when it was first rolling out an I though, huh that's neat but that's never going to catch on...
Meh, don't beat yourself up. You'd almost certainly have sold the BTC the moment they would've been worth something, thinking it couldn't last and you'd figure you made bank anyway.
Source: I spent 32 BTC I mined, when they were worth ~10 bucks a pop.
Bought me tabs of LSD and ~10g of weed on what was, at the time, the first Silkroad website. Looking back now I possibly had the most expensive LSD trips in history.
Don't feel too bad if you use Btc with addresses associated with drug sell from what I understand it sort of taints them due to address and wallets being public other fun fact because wallets are public you can see how because prices get manipulated with large v wallet accounts
Don’t feel too bad if you use Btc with addresses associated with drug sell from what I understand it sort of taints them due to address and wallets being public
It's more complicated than that; you can clean bitcoins effectively by going through tumblers, chaining exchanges, and the like. You'll pay a mighty premium but it's possible.
Also, the bitcoins in question weren't linked to drugs at all until I linked them to it, mind you.
I couldn't possibly had bought btc because I didn't even have a credit card or we, but also if you had the foresight to buy BTC when it was cheap and not spend it instantly on weed at silkroad, not lose it all at mtgox, not lose your wallet info and not panic sell during a cliff you would be some sort of future-knowing superbeing so you might as well just guess lotto tickets lol.
My ex was getting into it big around the beginning but stopped after I broke up with him. He also worked for a tech startup 24/7 that then went under, leaving him nothing. All in all libertarian boy got btfo the marketplace of ideas and I've had to know about crypto for a goddamm decade
Make sure you kill the right Satoshi and don't accidentally murder the creator of Pokemon
Is this because of crypto?
Why does crypto mining require powerful graphics cards? Wouldn't speed be the most important thing? Assuming this is a graphics card (it sounds like one)
Me no understand crypto nerds
Also worth pointing out that graphics cards are GPUs (a specialized processor) and VRAM (specialized ram). It's really the two things you want if you're doing crypto mining. Having a 50 series with 8gb of VRAM is like trying to stop a pack of wolves from eating you buy tying a ham around your neck.
I think they are still used for mining or at least were used until very recently. I see a lot of crypto miners for sale with cards like 3060 , so it looks like the market for them is still there.
But then again, I don't know shit about mining.
Bitcoin miners use special made cards but smaller coins like Ethereum are still profitable to be mined with GPUs
It also depends on the market. If a coin doubles in value, it can become profitable to mine it with less efficient hardware.
Thanks that makes more sense, I try not pay attention to cryptocoin stuff
Maybe a lot of people that are buying these graphics cards now are "retail miners" even though it is more profitable to use a purpose-built mining board.
Either way fuck crypto. I just wanna buy a mid-range gpu that can play games from 5 years ago. Even those are wildly overpriced.
yea its pretty weird since 3050 is pretty weak and doesn't have enough GPU Memory needed for mining, I think it's just speculation (atleast with this card)
Demand for crypto mining is one thing, and otherwise demand for gaming also has increased a lot