In so many ways, with a few small content patches like "let's go Brandon" and that infantile "frenworld" thing and turning the OK sign into a dogwhistle, it seems like the online chud playbook is permanently stuck in the Gamergate era, circa 2014-2015.

For those of you that saw that recent edgelord quoting a certain Austrian methhead rage scribblings, note how many times he invoked the same transphobic panic memes that seem to have taken over chud insult dictionaries ever since they lost the culture war against gay marriage and had to dig a new trench.

I really do wonder what it takes for them to get a new edition of their chud playbook. This one's getting long in the tooth and it's full of spaghetti code from too many haphazard content patches.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      3 years ago

      In my experience the only thing that really upsets them and makes them drop the act is a show of strength. It's risky, especially alone, but if some :le-pol-face: is vomiting out homophobic or transphobic slurs, sometimes all it takes is a gay or trans person to say "Yes, I am. What are you going to do about it?"

      The most reliable but unfortunately rare way to make him lose his smug Groyper visage is when random strangers join in with you and belittle and mock him. Being infantile social failures is usually at the core of his pathology, and like clinically diagnosed narcissists, nothing can give his an emotional crisis quite like a group of people laughing at him.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It's the only value chuds have since they probably aren't organ donors. Finding some new Willy Wonka-ass way to throw rocks at the monkey until it does something.