Not a hot take but I’m driving across the county rn and there’s so much natural beauty I can’t fully appreciate bc every time I see a god damn fucking billboard I am so enraged. Especially the ones that are just advertising the billboard itself, “if you’re looking at this it means it works! Rent today!” SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I wanna pull over and torch them so much

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Of course "cash" is not the problem, it's the hours of work of so many people wasted, instead of those same people and resources being allocated to idk, teaching children, being social medics, repairing infraestructure, cleaning a contaminated river, being scientists, finding a cure for ligma, etc etc etc . BUT HEY! THAT DOESN'T MAKE A PROFIT SO WE SHOULDN'T DO IT!

      • RNAi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Sorry, not english speaker, I meant community medics/social workers: medics asignated to a neighborhood that know the people living there know their medical-and-socio-economic problems, and monitor them by visiting regularly each family even when not called.

        Check this link: