This is one of the most evil things I have ever seen. It's their fucking money. You're condemning a country to starvation to finance lawsuits against the Taliban about an attack 20 years ago that they had nothing to do with. Spending the other half on some NGOs that will almost certainly hoover up as much as they can before whatever's left is thrown at some photo op meal kit delivery. And this is supposed to be praiseworthy? Absolutely evil shit. Even David fucking Milliband is calling this out for what this is.
tfw pirate land only has racism and cruelty instead of rum and wenches :deeper-sadness:
This is a reminder that everyone should watch Black Sails. It's extremely based, extremely horney, and extremely gay.
The so-called Hamiltonian system introduced very high tariffs to block superior British manufactures. There was a lot of stealing of technology-- what is now called piracy. And the United States began to develop and this went from textiles, the early stages of industrialization, then right through steel and on pretty much until the First and Second World War.
- Noam Chomsky :astronaut-2: :astronaut-1:
Remind me again, centuries before, how did the british got so much "spanish" gold?
Anglos are all pirates and slavers
At least on a pirate ship the captain only earned twice as much as a crewmate in plunder.
The other $3.5 billion would remain in the United States and be used to fund payments from ongoing litigation by U.S. victims of terrorism.
Every single terrorist event in the last 25 years was manufactured by the FBI
David Miliband, head of the International Rescue Committee, urged release of the funds... “The humanitarian community did not choose the government,
the “humanitarian community" is apparently CIA NGO PMC who agitated for war in Syria
U.S. victims of terrorism.
Read that as victims of U.S. terrorism. Sadly, they won't be compensated.
But the "humanitarian community" is saying "don't loot the funds, give them baxk"
Cops robbing armoured cars to use money of legal business for further "crime prevention".
US looting wealth of a country they destroyed to give it to Americans via a "victims fund".
Try r/news instead since it’s for US news and see if they ban you lol
The r/politics thread had some good agitation in it, though it looks like the mods are starting to clean it up - catch it before it's gone.
Hey I know this playbook :fidel-sarcastic:
The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship. If the above are accepted or cannot be successfully countered, it follows that every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of
CubaAfghanistan. If such a policy is adopted, it should be the result of a positive decision which would call forth a line of action which, while as adroit and inconspicuous as possible, makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies toCubaAfghanistan to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.I guess I didn't realize the bipartisan consensus was to pretend invading Afghanistan (and I'm assuming Iraq too) was actually in response to 911.
With all the gnashing of teeth during the GWB administration and all the shitty books written about him, I'm shocked that he's been so quickly rehabilitated.
lol goddamn these Dems really fucking suck.
Mr. Won't Do Executive Actions to Help Anyone sure will do it to loot a country we annihilated for 20 years. They're begging for Carousel at this point.
America committing genocide in real time. So damn evil. Worst than Trump, he’s done, this country is done. Now waiting for this damn country transition to fascist state so PLA could liberate us
Guess it's time to learn a few key phrases in Mandarin that I can shout to PLA soldiers so they know I'm friendly
Which mouse will volunteer to tie the bell to this nuclear-armed cat’s neck?
Because it's not enough to just ruin the country once. They have to deny aid that would act as the slightest start to recovery during an economic collapse. Imeperialists are disgusting.
We will redistribute the Bush fortune to the people of Afghanistan. Someday